

Webstore: Egyptian Spearmen

The Egyptian pharaohs led their armies through Canaan and into Syria in a succession of wars throughout the age of the New Kingdom. Infantry formed the backbone of these forces, comprising archers and close fighters armed with spears, swords, and sometimes with heavy mace-like weapons. The Egyptian spear was not especially long, and was primarily…


Webstore: Freeborn Command Squad

The Freeborn are merchants and traders, pursuers of wealth, influence and power within Antarean space. Their numerous fleets maintain a free-flow of commodities and technology between human worlds and beyond. The neutral status of the Freeborn allows their ships to travel easily between antagonistic societies such as the Isorian Shard and Panhuman Concord, and the…


Webstore: 5x Young Orchard Trees

These Young Orchard Trees are part of our Trees & Scenic Material range, it is suitable for 28mm games. An orchard is an intentional planting of trees or shrubs that is maintained for food production. Orchards comprise fruit, vegetable, and nut-producing trees which are grown for commercial production. Orchards are also sometimes a feature of…


Webstore: Concord Plasma Light Support Drone

In the Antarean universe ‘drone’ is a cover-all term for self- aware machines that are capable of intelligent decision-making. Drones have a sense of identity and personality, although some have only rudimentary or narrowly focussed characters depending on their role. Concord Weapon Drones are usually employed to carry support or heavy weapons. They are propelled…


Webstore: German Army Propagandakompanie Cameraman

Battlefield Reporters were used throughout the Second World War by almost every side. They played a hugely important role in documenting the action and driving the propaganda machine – with all sides using the gathered footage to spin to their advantage and keep their countrymen back home on-side and behind the war effort. The presence…