

Webstore: Pike & Shotte Cavalry plastic boxed set

The 17th Century saw large standing armies in action all over Europe, in numbers previously undreamt of, and huge numbers of infantry, artillery and cavalry were raised. The cavalry of the period were mostly of the heavy variety; big horses that could barge other enemy cavalry and intimidate infantry, while carrying a determined rider protected…


Webstore: Pike & Shotte Ordnance Battery

It was a rare thing for a general in the 17th Century to take to the field without an artillery train to intimidate and pulverise the enemy lines. These cannon and mortars were terrifying weapons, belching smoke and flames with a frightening roar that no simple country lad was likely to have heard before. The…


New: Soviet Army Deals!

Paint the battlefield Red with these new Soviet army deals, comrade – and save yourselves precious roubles in the process! 500pts Soviet Army buy now in store Description Value Second Lieutenant & one extra rifleman 60 Inexperienced Infantry Squad (11) NCO with SMG, LMG team 0 Infantry Squad (11) NCO with SMG, LMG team 133 Infantry…


New: Bolt Action American Army Deals!

The world’s greatest industrial strength behind them, the American military is an unstoppable tide of liberating destruction. Take to the battlefield with these great value Bolt Action army deals – there’s something for everyone and more than a little something for those jokers Hitler and Mussolini… 500pts American Army (Regular Infantry) buy now in store…


Event: Bolt Action Offensive

The first Warlord educed Bolt Action tournament is coming up next month – will you be there? Hurry, there are only 30 tickets available for this tournament! Buy Ticket Whilst there has been plenty of Bolt Action tournaments in the past, this will be our first official tourney orchestrated by none other than our very own…


New: USMC Support!

Hot on the heels of the release of our new Bolt Action US Marine Corps boxed set are these two great additions the USMC Squad and the Specialists, comprising of Sniper and bazooka teams… This 4 man blister pack gives you an archetypal 2-man bazooka team, useful for blasting Japanese tanks or more commonly busting bunkers open….


Webstore: Napoleonic Portuguese Line Infantry

The Portuguese have never been fond of their Spanish neighbours. This was doubly so when in 1807 Napoleon sent a large French and Spanish army across the border to crush Portugal and take its fleet to continue their war against the detested British. Great Britain and Portugal, however, had been old allies for countless years,…