

Webstore: Downed RAF Pilot

Originally only available with pre-orders of our plastic German Infantry, our Downed RAF Pilot, Squadron Leader ‘Topper’ Redfern, is now available separately The Squadron Leader is sculpted having just bailed out of his Spitfire after taking a hit!


Webstore: Egyptian Chariot II

The Eighteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth dynasties comprise the age of the Egyptian New Kingdom (1550-1077BC). During these years a succession of warrior pharaohs led Egyptian forces in wars of conquest, southwards to Nubia and northwards to Canaan, Amurru and Syria. At the forefront of the pharaohsâ armies were the most powerful weapons of the new…


Webstore: German Grenadiers Starter Army

  Suggested Army List;  1 Lieutenant and 2 Riflemen* (70pts).  10 man squad of regular German Grenadiers* (2x SMG, 1x LMG, 4x panzerfaust). 146pts. 10 man squad of Veteran German Grenadiers* (10x Assault rifles, 4x panzerfaust). 200pts. 10 man squad of Veteran German Grenadiers* (2x LMG, 3x SMG, 2x panzerfaust). 189pts. Stug III Ausf G…