

Webstore: Boromite Overseer Team

As humanity spread rampant across all of Antarean space, colonies arose upon a vast variety of worlds – each uniquely dissimilar to Earth. Over generations, these isolated populations evolved to suit their situation – breathing alien atmospheres, enduring unimaginable pressures and gravities. In many cases, these evolutionary advancements were artificially accelerated by geneticists  – giving…


Webstore: English Army 1415-1429

The figures in this box represent the English Army at the height of the Hundred Years War, when the English bowmen dominated the field of battle in France. Specifically the figures cover the period from the Battle of Agincourt (in 1415, when they were led by Henry V) to the Siege of Orleans (1429, when…


Webstore: SAGA: Arabic Rural Dwelling 2

This arabic adobe building was a rather large single roomed dwelling (beyond this size usually a building was sub divided into rooms), but it was still typical of arabic medieval rural houses, unsurprisingly due to its size, it had an external stairway on the side of the building to better utilise the roof as an…