

Webstore: Tabbybrook Mage

Tabbybrook Mages harness water in all its forms, using it to wash away their wounds, and drive their enemies back. When pressed they can even unleash frozen blasts of ice or scalding streams that burn the flesh with all the intensity of fire.


Webstore: Krupp Protze heavy field car

The Krupp-Protze was a six-wheeled 6×4 German truck and artillery tractor produced between 1934 and 1941, which was heavily used during World War II. Around 7,000 units were made. Powered by a 55 hp or 60 hp (from 1936) Krupp M 304 4-cylinder petrol engine, its main purpose was to tow artillery (in particular the…


Webstore: Dug-in Panther

By the later stages of the war the lack of any production or repair facilities let alone any raw materials, meant a huge loss of equipment and little in the way of offensive capability to what remained of the German forces – ingenuity was still abundant and when one of your best tanks becomes mechanically…