

Webstore: Algoryn Skirmish Force

The Algoryn military is one of the most efficient and effective fighting forces in the entirety of Antarean Space. The whole of Algoryn society is geared for war and survival in a hostile universe. This great deal allows you start in the Antarian universe with a complete starting, or Skirmish level, 750 point force that…


Webstore: Small & Medium Construct

Constructs are artificially created objects that have been imbued with a magical semblance of life. Most commonly they are made in the shape of humans and in such cases are generally called golems. That said, constructs can be of any form. In the glory days of the city, creating a living construct out of ordinary…


Webstore: Ghar Assault Squad (plastic)

The Ghar exist only to fight, having been engineered in the distant past to fight some long-forgotten war. Whoever created them perished eons ago, leaving the Ghar to pursue their one and only purpose remorselessly until the end of time. The Ghar will prevail! Genetically engineered to form the biological component of an armoured fighting…