

Webstore: Freeborn starter army deal

The Freeborn are the most diverse of the civilisations of Antarean space comprising numerous different independent Houses or Vardos. Unlike the civilisations of the Concord and Isori the Freeborn inhabit the depths of space. They live aboard spacefleets that include craft that are so large their populations are greater than those of many worlds. Different…


Webstore: Boromite Skirmish Force

The Boromites were bred as a specialised workforce – adapted to handle incredibly difficult and dangerous tasks in hostile environments. Though they are naturally a itinerant and insular species, they will take up arms if attacked or wronged – using adapted forms of their work tools to defend their own. This great deal allows you…


Webstore: 250ml Tufts Glue

Self Adhesive Tufts Glue 1 x 250ml very tacky glue with detail nozzle and cap. Ideal for making your own Self Adhesive Static Grass Tufts using our Pro Grass Applicator. PLEASE NOTE THAT DUE TO THE NATURE OF THIS PRODUCT WE CAN ONLY SELL THIS TO THE UK AND MAINLAND EUROPE.


Webstore: Major Demon

Demon is actually the more common term for ‘extra-planner entity’, that is a being that comes from another dimension or plane of existence. Few of the demons in Frostgrave have come of their own free will or for their own purpose; most have been ‘summoned’ by ancient wizards and imprisoned in some form. Demons are…


Webstore: Ghar Battle Squad (Plastic)

The Ghar were forged in the forgotten depths of time with one purpose – to wage war! They are feeble and helpless creatures without the protective battle armour that all Ghar warriors wear to battle. Once encased within their metal shells, physically attached by plugs inserted into their spines, they become stronger and more powerful…