

Webstore: Algoryn AI Trooper advancing

We first made our Algoryn squad available to those who signed up on our playtester forum. Following further playtesting and the feedback of the community we have removed the figure with mag repeater and replaced him with another sculpt armed with mag gun. For those of you who have the old-style configuration of squad we’re…


Webstore: Flock of Sheep

Baaaa! Useful for representing sheep on the battlefield. These aren’t quite as cuddly as the real thing but do have the advantage of fitting in your figure case. They also won’t ruin your lawn. This pack provides you with six sheep randomly selected from three different versions. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted


Webstore: Crusader AA Mk II/III

A Crusader armed with twin Oerlikon 20 mm guns for anti-aircraft use. Mk III only differed from the Mk II by the position of the radio, which was moved to the hull in order to free some space inside the turret. Due to Allied air superiority none of the AA versions saw much action against…