Webstore: TYW Swedish Starter Army
We’ve pulled together these great starter army deals so you can easily start a new force and save yourselves a few pounds at the same time! 2 Swedish Infantry Boxes
We’ve pulled together these great starter army deals so you can easily start a new force and save yourselves a few pounds at the same time! 2 Swedish Infantry Boxes
Contains 1 Metal Model. Supplied unpainted
Contains a single US Marine Corps BAR Gunner Kneeling Metal Model Supplied Unpainted
Pack contains 6 metal foot figures. Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
The standard German medium mortar of the war was the 81mm Granatwerfer 34. It was a very effective and accurate weapon that could provide long-range fire support, and was used throughout the conflict on most thestres. A mortar crew consits of th
This little vehicle was used by the Soviets to tow anything with wheels. There are bench seats on the rear for up to six infantry figures. This model is a one piece casting. Note: Models supplied unassemble
Adding a rain of death to the skies ahead of the Persian army are these Persian bowmen. Just the job to add to the back ranks of your sparabara regiment or fielded in their own right. Persian archers carried a high capacity combined quiver and bo