Campaign Stalingrad, our newest Bolt Action is chock full of scenarios to replicate the conflict on the tabletop. We’ve been talking it about it with great excitement over on our Twitch channel and it seems you’re just as excited as us! We’ve had a flood of photos of Stalingrad-ready armies. Today we’re featuring Michael Groom’s Stalingrad Soviet Platoon.

Michael: ‘I was watching the twitch stream earlier today [Find it here] and Karl and Charlie mentioned to send in what we’ve been working on. I actually finished working on this Stalingrad themed platoon last October, and am very excited for the Stalingrad book to hit my mailbox any day now. I mentioned on the stream I used bits of leftover sprue, MDF and plaster bits to give my bases a ruined city look, and used some Valhallan Blizzard to coat the base.’

Michael: ‘Although the IS-2 and SU-76 were not in Stalingrad, they provide welcome (some might say essential) additions to any Soviet Army for its use in other Eastern Front theatres’

We applaud Michael’s efforts. If you would like to feature your own army on the Warlord community, send us a few photos and a short write-up to articles@warlordgames.com
Campaign Stalingrad
Now available, the Campaign Stalingrad book provides a historical overview of the Stalingrad campaign. Its primary purpose is to provide new scenarios, rules, and inspiration to help wargamers bring this bitter struggle to life on the tabletop. Scenarios include:
- The opposed crossing of the Don River
- The dash to the Volga river by German mobile divisions
- Soviet counter-attacks against the German cordon of Stalingrad
- The fighting for control of the city of Stalingrad
- Operation Uranus and the subsequent encirclement of the German Sixth Army
- Operation Winter Tempest: Manstein’s attempt to break the encirclement of the Sixth Army
- The final destruction of the Sixth Army
Stalingrad Battle Set
To go alongside the fantastic new Stalingrad campaign book, we’ve got an amazing battle set to complete your collection – this set is crammed with miniatures and exclusive MDF terrain produced by our friends at Sarissa Precision.