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  • #173506

    Keep in mind however that your cannons cannot shoot over your own troops(one of the worst erratas imo). They can ‘see’ over your troops but cannot shoot over.


    You can use any models as long as the bases are appropriate size. You could use blocks of cheese(handy as a snack for when they die)as long as it’s on a decent base.


    That answer from Rick is one in a long line of “did he really put any effort into this?”


    The numbers break down that it is more feasible(and tactical)to have 5 man units of archers. They get 5 shots usually at 5acc. So about 2 to 3 hit. That’s a pin and maybe a wound. Now get two of those, 2 pins and maybe 2 wounds. Whereas with a ten man unit gets 5 hits, 1 pin, and maybe 2 to 3 wounds. By breaking the unit up into two, you gain and extra pin and(more importantly) 1 more order dice. Full ten man archer units are not going to wipe out units unless they are already hurt.
    Now for crossbowmen, you will average more wounds over time and extra range. The bonus of having two units covering more of the battlefield can also not be understated.
    Generally close combat units you have to have full size as to possibly soak some damage to get into combat. If you are foot slogging and finding more and more people in your gaming group are going ranged, just buy Sorcerer’s Shield with you Wiz.


    On the surface, Divine Intervention seems busted. But considering you have to be within 20 inches, make a command check, and the unit not being able to Divinely Intervene the rest of the game, that I think balances it out.

    Play test it man and let us know.


    Biggest changes are the ones most had heard/encountered over at the facebook page.
    Fast units w/run orders are not determined by how many you have but a dice off(assuming both players have fast units w/run orders).
    Fast units revert to advance after consolidating from cc.
    Aura of Timidity going to a D6.

    One of the surprising ones was the monstrosity table roll. So if you have a monstrosity with a res of 11 after modifications are made, you still fail the res check on a 10 BUT you only roll on the first 5 of the D10 chart. That really helps the big monsters from going down so easy.

    Couple of weird ones, the divine intervention max of one per turn. I have a friend who plays Olympians and it really isn’t broken to allow this more than once a turn. But oh well. The other weird one is the huge nerf of bolt throwers and cannons. Being a Large model they can see over smaller models…but they can’t shoot over them?? So now you have to place them on elevated terrain in your deployment zone at the beginning of the game or risk not being able to shoot. Seems a very unnecessary nerf when they aren’t very game breaking. Most of this game is about movement and that is what bolt throwers/cannons do not have.


    Doug p.27 of the rulebook says,
    “Number of Shots
    Weapons and monsters with their own range attacks always shoot once unless specified as having multiple range attacks such as the Dwarf multi-barrelled organ gun or dragon fire. This is shown on the model or weapon stats as ‘3x Ranged Attacks’ or ‘3x Flaming Breath’ for example.”

    And on p.134
    “Chariots and monstrosities with crews have a composite stat line as explained in the relevant sections of the rules. In the case of heroic models riding chariots, a full stat line is given because these individuals can find themselves fighting on foot if their chariot is destroyed. Stats, equipment and any special rules not used when riding a chariot are bracketed thus [4].”

    So yes, the rules are very clear that the stat line to shoot is the artillery piece itself. The crew do not ‘take turns’ firing it. Or else the Equipment would be in the individual crew men stat lines. Instead, Equipment is shared amongst all of the crew and thus only get the number of shots the artillery profile shows.


    I could have gone Knights but I love me some BARBARIAN HORDES!!

    Order Dice: 12
    One-of-a-kind Units: 5

    Barbarian Chieftain: 4xBodyguards – Medium Armor – Savage – Tough 2 – Wound 2
    Barbarian Berserkers: Savage
    Barbarian Hero: Savage – Tough 2 – Wound 2
    Barbarian Shaman: 4xElemental Spirits – Magic Level 3 – Tough 2 – Spells: Fiery Balls and Sorcerer’s Shield
    Mammoth: 8xCrew: Bows
    6x Barbarian Brats: Rocks – Savage
    Total: 1000pts.


    The problem with wizards casting on the charge or counter-charge is the range of spells available and how the rules are not set up for them. If you Lightning Bolt during a counter-charge and the charging unit fails the break test, where does your unit move and how far? If I Bamboozle Beastie that mammoth that’s going to charge me, and it goes ‘Down’, does that mean it can’t charge the Wizard now?
    I apologize if this is coming off as a judgmental rant. I like house rules and if you and your group have fun(the only thing that matters)go for it. My group and I have found that if we house rule something major, new players we teach or play with may not play the game anymore if it deviates too much from the rulebook. If there is a problem with the system, either the system gets fixed or we just don’t play. Sorry I’m going off on too much of a tangent here. 😛

    P.S. Ambush has the option for three order actions. Rally, Down, and Run-Charge. If you want to cast upon a unit charging your wizard just take the Rally order. It’s a decent strat. Clear aways pins and hit a unit in range(doesn’t have to target the unit charging you either).


    Yeah unfortunately there is no minimum sprint distance so if you are two inches away from the enemy. You can sprint into them and they have to reroll those hits. There is the chance though you fail the test and take a pin from exhaustion AND end up getting hit by the exchange of missiles also. Resulting in two pins instead of just one from being shot. May be a good strat though if you are worried about winning in hand-to-hand or have a low armor unit.


    From WoE tourney experience, here are a few things.
    Limit one Monstrosity OR one selection from the ‘Monsters’ section of the rulebook.(Trust me you do not want to have a dwarf player with a Giant AND a Dwarf Steam Juggernaut)
    Fast units after a charge do not retain the Run order. The order dice is set to Advance.
    Army lists printed in advance.
    Make a ruling on whether Wizards can ride Monstrosities. Rules-wise you can but for a tournament you may want to say no.(Fast flyer + 3rd Level Wizard usually is no fun for the opponent)
    Army comp minimum – 2 warrior units, and 1 Warlord.


    Page 134
    “If you take an option for a hand-to-hand weapon this replaces any hand-to-hand weapon the unit already has. If you take a option for a ranged weapon this replaces any ranged weapon the unit already has or is additional if the unit doesn’t already carry ranged weapons. E.g you can add a bow to a unit carrying swords without giving up the swords.
    Rocks count as both types, but can be added as ranged weapons where indicated as ‘thrown’. You don’t have to give up swords or other hand-to-hand weapons to throw rocks! Otherwise weapons are hand-to-hand or ranged as defined in the Weapons and Armour section.”

    This also is for magic weapons too(no dual wielding 😉 ).
    I personally would take spears all the time. Basically you get an entire extra round of combat just with the exchange of missiles. Number-crunchy wise, for just generic 5 Acc, 5 Str, and 6 Res, you will get on average 3 more kills using spears instead of swords per engagement. I was a die hard sword guy till I did the math on this. Wow, that exchange of missiles is WAY better than I gave it credit for.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by AbsoluteZero.

    The wound special rule is pretty simple. If a model has the special rule of ‘Wound’, the model gets that many more wounds added to the model with the usual one. For example, if you have a hero with ‘Wound 3’, that means for that model to die they would have to take a total of 4 wounds. Because ‘Wound 3’ adds 3 to the usual 1. 3+1=4. ‘Wound 2’ only adds 2 more and ‘Wound’ by itself just adds one more.
    One other part of that rule to keep track of, for every wound that model takes, they take a pin and cannot remove it. For example, if your hero with ‘Wound 3’ takes 2 wounds, they have two permanent pins attached to them. These is important because that affects their Command stat. Using the example above, if they have a ‘Command 8’, it would now be a 6. Keep that in mind.


    To all the players looking for the latest news and such, I would say definitely follow the Warlords of Erehwon Facebook page. Much more active and up-to-date announcements.

    Also, I highly recommend the app BattleScribe for Android/Desktop. It is free. I do not know if it is on iOS. It takes a little bit to get down(you have to press the name of the bodyguard to increase their numbers and not the arrow on the right) but definitely handy. You can also print out your army list with quick reference rules descriptions. I have the premium edition and can name my units/sergeants/heroes/commanders. Which is just funsville for saying,”Now did you want to shoot ‘Lonely Hearts Club’, ‘The Misfits’, or my commander ‘Beyoncella’?” 😀


    Don, this is not a game that is hard and fast on WYSIWYG. In fact, this game is very much the loosy-goosy type. I have a huge collection of barbarian models who have been Undead/Beastmen/Knights. For most players it’s just about picking the rules that best suit the kind of army you want to play. For example, I have been jumping between Undead and Barbarian factions lately. My models are barbarians but I like the rule set for Undead. So I just tell my opponent what every unit is and how they work before the game starts. Pretty simple if you are both experienced players.
    In the case of what do Naganata count as? I would just expect you to tell me before the game starts. Are they counting as halberds or spears(as long as the unit wielding them can wield them per the rules)? We have one player in our group putting together Lego men to use as knights. Have fun with it!

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