Andrew Smith started the topic Is there a Soldier of Fortune March? in the forum General Discussion 2 years ago
Just wanted to check if there is a soldier of fortune for March or not?
If not will the promotion return, is it ad hoc or the medals cash in going forward?
Andrew Smith replied to the topic Whats next for Black Powder? in the forum Black Powder 2 years ago
@Fraser Kendall
Not for epic but in some youtube interviews when going through the glass cabinet of future releases Paul Sawyer definately mentioned a Crimea figure so something Crimea related should be coming in the next year. Might be metals done in plastics, or something new, or a promo figure other than Crimea getting name checked nothing…[Read more]
Andrew Smith started the topic Whats next for Black Powder? in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Hi Folks,
Long term lurker, just wanted to ask if anyone has any idea of what the next Black Powder sourcebooks conflict is likely to be?
Obviously Epic is doing well, so is the ACW going to get an EPIC Battles rulebook makeover to be more conflict themed like the Waterloo rules rather than just generic BP2?
In previous interviews there has…[Read more]