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  • #147030

    Hi Stuart,

    Fair point to attacker defender scenarios. I definitely had that misunderstood.

    I’ve been chatting with quite a number of people trying to grapple with the interaction and I think I’ve just found a way to explain it that is on the same page as everyone else and that I’ve understood.

    I agree that when in first wave or double to deploy (ie not in reserve), they are eligible to forward deploy.
    Once the normal deployment is done, even if it is zero units, the players may forward deploy. Then there is no interaction between the deployment restrictions and forward deploy as one occurs after the other is resolved?


    Question around intent of forward deployment vs mission deployment rules.

    As currently written forward deployment is only applicable under the following three conditions
    1. The mission is an attacker defender scenario (defender gets first drop)
    2. The unit can be deployed on table prior to turn 1
    3. The unit is in the first wave, pending the requirement to be deployed on the table before turn 1

    So a simple example is a sniper being deployed under the mission meeting engagement. Does forward deploy override the mission deployment rules which state no units are deployed on the board at the start if the game?

    My current reading as a TO says no, but I have a few players attempting to convince me otherwise.


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