Nanashi replied to the topic Defeating the Japanese? in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
Tanks. Spearmen can’t do anything to armor (though spearmen are typically paired with lunge mines and/or artillery who can) and a “Dakka Stuart” (usable by US and anyone with lend lease) as well as early Panzer 3 (usable by Germany and a few of the more minor axis) can make a lot of shots against big groups of infantry.
Artillery is another…[Read more]
Nanashi replied to the topic Sept 22 BA FAQ: Clarification Request & Feedback for Game Balance in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Another thing on the new FAQ: The new Gepanzerte’s armored cab is more expensive (45 points) than every other armored cab (30 points).
Nanashi replied to the topic Small arms vs Open top in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Since this has already been necrobumped, figured I’d mention one weird thing about Open-Topped I noticed recently. The actual open topped rule is “Open-topped armoured vehicles are pinned by hits from small-arms in the same way as soft-skins and infantry.” (plus some other stuff not relevant to this). This specifies small arms so, strictly…[Read more]
Nanashi replied to the topic Homebrew unit: Volksturm Panzerfaust Squad in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
I was referred to the “Volkssturm pistol stuff is historical fantasy.” Pistols are only included because weird game mechanic interactions.
As for the panzerfaust only: Even taking the claim photos are just practice as true.
1: Armies of Germany references it happening.
2: Bolt Action has many rules for things that are outright documented to be…[Read more] -
Nanashi replied to the topic Homebrew unit: Volksturm Panzerfaust Squad in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
I’m aware, but as mentioned one-shot weapons only doesn’t work within the rules since all models in a squad must shoot if one shoots. I could not figure out a way to write an exception as a special rule without it being extremely ineloquent.
Nanashi replied to the topic What do YOU want to see in Bolt Action v3? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Instead of more units being ignored for determining control of objectives (as seems to be a popular want), perhaps change objectives so that rather than infantry instantly gaining control if on one uncontested, use a Capture Number system where objectives only shift control after ([models]*[consecutive turns spent uncontested on objective]) is…[Read more]
Nanashi replied to the topic Homebrew unit: Volksturm Panzerfaust Squad in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
That would make sense, since AoFatA was where I derived pistol prices from. Can you point to any examples of them being +1 point over unarmed though? Only unit with pistols that doesn’t have “free” weapons (HQ unit) and is not from AoFatA I’m aware of is the British Home Guard, which is clearly overpriced.
Nanashi started the topic Homebrew unit: Volksturm Panzerfaust Squad in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
I found it weird this wasn’t already a thing, so I had a quick go at homebrewing it. Any comments on it?
Volksturm Panzerfaust Squad
The cheap and easily manufactured nature of the Panzerfaust resulted in many Volksturm receiving one as their primary or sole armament. A Panzerfaust Squad counts as an Anti-Tank Team, Panzerschreck team, Goliath…[Read more] -
Nanashi replied to the topic Non-transport vehicles with transport? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
I know motorcycles and horses are called out as options, I’m just trying to find any vehicles that do double duty.
Nanashi started the topic Non-transport vehicles with transport? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Besides the 251/9 Stummel (open topped 7+ with light mortar and 8 men), Soviet Tank Riders and German StuG Escort Infantry Squad, what, if any, options are there for a vehicle that can transport men while falling into the Armoured Platoon’s “Tank, Tank Destroyer, Assault Gun, Self-propelled Artillery, Anti-aircraft vehicle, Armoured Car” slots? I…[Read more]
Nanashi replied to the topic Does Extended Last Levy have access to units added to Last Levy? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Nanashi started the topic Does Extended Last Levy have access to units added to Last Levy? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Page 109 of Road to Berlin includes an “Extended Last Levy” theater selection. The Errata adds “Any unit included in the 1945 – Last Levy selector of the Armies of Germany book can take Luftfaust rocket launchers.” Several campaign books have notes like “A Late war replacements SS squad counts as Infantry for the purpose of the generic R…[Read more]
Nanashi replied to the topic What do YOU want to see in Bolt Action v3? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
PIAT is unpopular though not a never. Maybe indirect fire optional extra (Versatile)? Later models supported it, and it was apparently a heavily used feature. Makes it more than just worse bazooka.
Nanashi replied to the topic What do YOU want to see in Bolt Action v3? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Does anyone actually use anti-tank grenades at current pricing? I’ve heard Soviets, who have them for free on their infantry squad, never make use of them. Perhaps drop their cost all the way down to “+1 per 2 units (round up)” or give them serious buffs/rework?
Nanashi started the topic Tanks costs differ from Armies of US version? in the forum Bolt Action: Korea 3 years ago
Korea book version is 164/205/246 while the Armies of the US version, which appears to be the same vehicle, is 156/195/244 . What’s the deal here?
My best guess is an earlier version made Stabilizers apply to any experience level (since the “lore” reason for them only working on Veteran units was the lack of units trained to use them, which could…[Read more]
Nanashi replied to the topic What do YOU want to see in Bolt Action v3? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
What could be done to make light anti-tank guns and anti-air more useful? Currently they’re rare because they eat a slot used for a very useful howitzer.
Light AT might be doable with the three in one slot thing since it would mirror real usage (overlapping fields of fire), but that might be overkill for light howitzer. Maybe only one spotter per…[Read more]
Nanashi replied to the topic What do YOU want to see in Bolt Action v3? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Germans were hardly the only ones with questionable ammo lots during the wars. World War era bolt actions were absolutely designed with cartridge failures like ruptured cases in mind. “Questionable Ammo” as an option to reduce the cost of last levy troops by giving them Stoppages would be reasonable.
Nanashi started the topic Are there any non-open top 7+/8+ vehicle with a Medium Howitzer besides BT-42? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Does any faction besides Finland have such a vehicle? Doing it through a versatile/dual purpose AT gun is fine.
Nanashi replied to the topic What do YOU want to see in Bolt Action v3? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
That’s a gross over exaggeration (if even remotely historic). The quickest way to disprove it is to point out that lacquered steel case ammo is still used today, primarily with Soviet pattern small arms. If there was any issue, it’s the MG42 being finicky and fragile.
Nanashi started the topic Any recommendations for free STLs to make 28mm scale bicycle "tokens"? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
A set of bicycles to use as tokens to represent “this model is riding a bicycle” (rather than the suggested approach of using a totally separate model) seemed like an easy thing for even a cheap filament 3D printer to do, but looking around I couldn’t find any free options that fit within WW2 era (especially since accessories for real, full sized,…[Read more]
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