Alan Doyle.

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  • #189051
    Alan Doyle.

    A bit late to the party.

    But, I would like to see things like bamboo spearmen limited to theatre selectors. Or else, limit them to 0-2 like in the theatre selector at the end of the japanese army book.

    I went to my first competitive event and I had a game against an entire army of them. I managed a draw, but come on. An army of spearmen in a game that’s largely based on relatively modern warfare, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

    Also, if they update the army books, have a picture of all the vehicles, even if its Osprey artwork, a line drawing/schematic. Same for a lot of the towed weapons. I understand they don’t produce all the models. But face it, if they don’t produce it, add a picture.

    Condensing of the rules to relative sections, no random sections that seem like background, but contain rules. I mean I was playing bolt action for a year, before I knew about the inexperienced mortor teams being unable to have spotters. Note, I’m only playing around two years now.

    I really like bolt action, I’m a 40k refugee. I just think a bit of refinement of the rulebook and army books would make the game even greater. I like all the mechanics, especially random activation, I’d love to see the air observer being a more worthwhile purchase.

    This would have the knock on effect of encouraging players to bye models for AA defence.

    I play Germans and Soviets and I think panzerfausts should be more expensive and maybe 2/unit that can purchase them.

    I have knocked out KVs, IS-2’s etc. And I have even said to my buddy’s. “Lad it cost me 10pts for those two panzerfausts”. Think about it, a 300 plus point tank knocked out by such a small investment.

    A knee mortor is like what 20-30pts range. A panzerfaust is 5pts. They need to be at least 10pts or more. Like it’s a single shot heavy AT gun, with no pen modifier for long range. I always bring infantry to tank war, just for panzerfausts.

    Also, I know its an infantry game. But balance the tanks/tank armament costs. Everybody loves bringing a nice battle tank to a game, like a panzer iv/stug iii or equivalent. Maybe, introduce a reasoning for making a tank veteran, like for example. Bring in a tank war ability on purchase, even a single use ability. Or maybe allow one tank to be like a tank ace for an extra point cost after paying the veteran premium. Maybe something like a plus one to hit buff.

    Give HMGs a greater range than LMGs. Also allow them to cause maybe a flat 2 pins or d2 pins if they are veteran.

    H.E is good. However, maybe alter it like allow it to reduce the affect of cover, maybe it would have to have its killing power toned down for this. But no way should a few lads hiding behind a bit of pebble dashed wall be impossible to hit/pin with H.E

    To conclude, that’s just my tuppence worth. I really like bolt action, however, like anything, things can change. These are some changes I would like to see. Take them into account, don’t. Its not up to me, maybe changes like this would be difficult to balance, or perhaps, why fix what is not broken. I like warlords model of not forcing you to buy book after book, however, the inevitable eventually has to come.

    Anyway that’s all for me.



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