Alexander S. started the topic Some questions and thoughts about Tercios in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
I have some questions and thoughts about tercios in the Epic Battles- Pike and Shotte rules.
On page 19 the formation Tercio is described. It looks to me like a tercio consists of 5 separate units (3 pike blocks and 2 shott). However, it is not clear to me how the tactical and historical characteristics of a tercio are reflected with this…[Read more] -
Alexander S. replied to the topic Epic Battles – unit scale for converting battles? in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
Hi Charge the Guns,
Thank you for your comment.
I will use this ratio now as a rule of thumb. In the past we had often the problem of scaling the units and battle field. So as you will know, you will need large tables and man models to represent such major battles.
I think it is not problem here to dobble the ration, 1:1200/ 1:600, and half…[Read more]
Alexander S. replied to the topic Epic Battles – unit scale for converting battles? in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
Hi Dave,
Thanks for your reply.
so you mean the standard unit in Epic Battles who has a Frontpage of 3 bases and 4 bases at all, are about 600 men and the 3 Bases Cavalry 300 men?
Alexander S. started the topic Epic Battles – unit scale for converting battles? in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
is there a specification in Epic Battles Pike & Shotte regarding the scale of the units for converting historical battles? I didn’t see anything in the rulebook, but maybe I missed it.
So how many soldiers, cannons or horsemen does a base or unit represent?
Alexander S. became a registered member 2 years ago