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  • #156035

    Thanks for all the help guys! I’ve decided to go with the band of brothers starter set and the army/uniform paint sets that were suggested. I’ also going to print a map with my brothers printer and look around for some paper buildings and such that I can print to start as well. Thanks again everyone! I’m looking forward to being a part of the community!


    Thanks for the answers on the terrain stuff guys! I was actually thinking… my brother owns a large format printer for his business that I have access to and I can design and print large “maps” of real life locations (or design my own). I could use something like that until I build up some trees, walls, buildings, etc…

    I’m really the type that commits to a hobby, so I definitely want to provide the best play experience possible.

    Last couple questions…

    What should I buy as far as paints/supplies go that will give me everything I need to paint quality minis? I’ve been watching The War Gamer tutorials on youtube and there seems to be a million colors and then there’s washes, inks, strong tones, light tones, etc… I’m clueless on what brands of paints, inks, washes, brushes, primers, etc. that I would need to really do the minis up right. I hate nothing more than putting in the effort to paint a bunch of figures and do it improperly. I’ve got the following on my amazon wish list but I’m not sure if they’re the right stuff to buy.

    Second question… is Bolt Action just a 2 player game? Or are there single player scenarios or more than 2 player games?

    Thanks again for all your help!


    Thanks everyone!!! I really appreciate the help. It can be pretty daunting to head into a hobby like this blindly.

    I think the “Band of Brothers” set is perfect for getting me started.

    I recently just picked up some cheap paint to test out on some zombie miniatures I have from another board game to try my hand at painting, so hopefully that goes well enough for me to want to continue on to bolt action!

    Thank you for the link to the blog post, that was very helpful!

    Follow up question. Do you have to invest time and money in to making a “game board” right away? I’m not sure what to call it exactly, but I mean the actual play area with roads, fields, buildings, fences, walls, trees, etc.? Or can you play on just your kitchen table with makeshift items until I get to the point where I know I want to invest in a play area?

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