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  • #189647

    The Bavarian Cheveaux Leger as costed at 41 points in the book, the same as most other Cheveaux Leger in the book. That would suggest that shooting ability has not been paid for. ALso look at the description on page 60 where they have a shooting factor of 0!


    Thanks both. That matches my opinion too!


    Look at Page 62 – troop types and page 112 charge responses (Version 2). Elephants can turn to face, but cannot counter charge. Chariots can counter charge but not turn to face.


    I think this is likely to be a typo. Just checked my copy of the rules and you are correct – Cataphract simply reduces the to hit chance.


    BA regards both the M1917 and the M1919 as Medium MG. There is no Light MG present in the standard US infantry squad. Both machine guns are available  but come with 3 man crews.  As far as I know the US infantry squad was issued with the BAR rather than the MGs.


    However, as note before, page 20 specifically names Line, Attack Column and Mixed Formation being different. It just adds that level of uncertainty. This is not a competition rule set, so my group have decided to go with the attack column not getting the benefit of the morale bonus when shot at from the front.  Thanks for the input all!


    The Pila effect only takes place in the first round of combat when a charge has occurred. The unit must be fighting to its front, and not a supporting unit. See page 104 of the MRB.


    Hi Garry,

    Actually I had not looked at it from the point of view of “formations”. Valid formation are listed on page 20, and there Mixed order is a separate line from attack column. This just adds another level on confusion.

    My own person preference would be that from the flank or rear the unit would get the benefit of the attack column as the hits are to that part of the body, whilst from the front they get shot at as skirmishers. However I can see that this is open to interpretation both ways.


    An Abteilung looses 4 H2H and 2 stamina compared to a large unit. It is also 16 points cheaper than the large unit.

    C0E page 71. Each cavalry regiment with the Abteilung rule can be replaced by 2 3 or 4 Abteliungs. Here is the actual text:

    Because of this common ‘Abteilungsweise’ employment of splitting up regiments into detachments, we allow Austrian regiments to be played as either a single regiment of 3-4 squadrons as normal, or else as two, three or even four Small sized Abteilung of the same cavalry regiment.

    So, if you take the light cavalry brigade on page 180,  it starts of with a minimum of 1 large cavalry regiment. This can be down graded to a standard or small sized regiment, or be replaced with 2-4 Abteilungs (which have the same stats as a small regiment. The brigade can then add 1 more  light cavalry regiment with the same options. The brigade can add 3rd regiment (of dragoons). The Dragoons can only se can be upgraded as large or small units but cannot have abteilungs

    Hope that is clear.


    I suspect the army lists created before the Britannia book. As HC is intended to be scenario driven rather than points based some things don’t have points available. If you want to cost them agree a value with your opponents.


    Do remember that every time the vehicle moves you will need to restart the ranging in process.


    As no-one else has responded yet.

    1. I cannot find it explicitly stated anywhere, but see “Units Leaving the Table”. I would read that leaving the table is not something you would voluntarily do. The chargers therefore would not leave the table.  The ability of the chargers to attack another unit really depends on how their orders were stated. If you are not taking the shortest route to the first  target you need to specify the exact line of attack, and this could result in you ending in a bad position if you don’t get a good enough command roll.

    2. Units off table can return as long as they are not shaken/part of a broken division – page 32. With a light unit you can order it to change formation and then make a move onto the table (Page 36). However the move when the formation changes takes place cannot be a charge. You need to get 2 moves in order to charge.

    3. The command distance is from the commander to the designated entry point (Page 32) This entry point is not specified for troops leaving the table, bit I would assume they return at the point they left.


    At the moment I have 10 painted battalions. Of these only 2 are large. Maneuvering has not been an issue as there is no command penalty for being large. Also, when in attack column the large battalion has the same frontage as the standard size battalion (3 wide/3 deep vs 3 wide/2 deep). The extra firepower of the large battalion in line is pretty good too.


    That is why I asked the question – to see if anyone else has tried anything different. One idea that I have been thinking on is SR -1 if ordering 2 regiments, SR-2 is ordering 4 or more regiments


    Hi Nat,

    The Austrians can field a brigade with one regiment. However, doing that does not really save anything as 2 regiments still need 2 command rolls whether they are in the same or different brigades. You also have the probem that any artillery battery will need a sperate command roll to move.

    I have played around with small cavalry abteilungs, but they are a bit fragile having only 2 stamina.

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