

  • Bert replied to the topic Rules Question Thread in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 8 months ago

    That is how i understood (I expressed my self poorly). Except i thought that Blue’s attacks should declare where unit attacks at the start of the engagement.

    Again, thanks for your help.

  • Bert replied to the topic Rules Question Thread in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 8 months ago

    Thank’s very much for your detailed response.

    It’s not very clear for me when there are more than 2 units  involved in Combat.

    For examples

    In situation 2, Red (Flank) resolve the first flank facing at 8 vs 4 (recording Hits), then Red (Rear) resolve the rear facing at 8 vs 4. After this we resolve the Combat resolution and break tests if…[Read more]

  • Bert replied to the topic Rules Question Thread in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 8 months ago


    Not sure how Combat work exactly when there are many units & situations

    In these 4 examples, can someone tell me how to assign attacks resolve combats ? (Assuming  all units have 8 in HtH).

    HtH Combats



  • Bert replied to the topic Rules Question Thread in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Big Ai

    Thks for the clarification. When you say “Supporting units do not have a choice”, is that support in combat is not an option but a mandatory ?

  • Bert replied to the topic Rules Question Thread in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 9 months ago


    About Fighting Combat

    Assume an Infantry unit (HtH:9)  is facing 2 units : 1 Infantry (HtH :6) + 1 Artillery (HtH:1)

    The rule say (P.69) to divide attacks. I must assign 4 dices vs Artillery and 5  dices vs Infantry ?

    Another one :

    Can a Cavalry unit support Infantry ?


  • Bert replied to the topic Rules Question Thread in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago

    About first question : even if the unit in proximity was in Square formation (and not a real threat for the Cavalry)  the proximity rule needs to be applied ?

    Thank’s for theses clarifications.

  • Bert replied to the topic Rules Question Thread in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago


    After a recent play , i have some questions about charge :

    1 – Assume a cavalry unit charged and won the combat. There is an enemy unit on his proximity left, but see another enemy unit farther away on its right. Can it freely rotate right by 45  and charge this enemy unit ?

    2- Can a Cavalry unit charge simultaneously the flanks of 2 enemy…[Read more]