Big Al


  • You’ll need to explain what it is that is confusing you. As I see it, it is quite clear. Page 35 tells you that there are a number of reasons or situations why a unit might leave the table. One of those reasons given is a break test result.

    Page 80 tells you that if a unit leaves the table because of a break test result, it cannot return and is d…[Read more]

  • One other thing to point out in addition to what Garry has said.

    The supplements, like Clash of Eagles, were written for BP1. When BP2 was released, changes to some of the rules were changed. Things like the effect of skirmishers on artillery, units evading and the number of units that can attack each faci facing of an enemy unit. That was…[Read more]

  • Big Al replied to the topic Break tests in the forum Hail Caesar 3 years, 10 months ago

    Page 72 of the rulebook tells you exactly when to test.

    There are two tests, one for ranged or shooting attacks and one for Combat Resolution.

    At the end of a round of combat is when a unit will take a test. Yes it is ruthless and brutal. Clash is the stat used on the first round of combat immediately after one unit charges into an enemy unit.…[Read more]

  • No it isn’t. The combat in both examples are single combats involving two on one. You resolve it all as a single combat. Yes, you can resolve each part as seperate die rolls for ease. Roll the flank attacks first and not the number of hits, then roll for the rear attacks and add the number of hits to the first number of hits. Then, split B…[Read more]

  • Warning! This could be a long reply


    This one is straight forward Red has contacted Blue in the flank. Red gets all 8 attacks with the +1 bonus for charging, meaning that the attacks all hit on a roll of 3+.

    Blue can only fight back with half of its attacks, so 4 attacks with a -1 modifier to the “to hit” roll because the unit is fig…[Read more]

  • As it happens, my units are on 15mm per figure frontage and 36 figures. I often play against armies on 20mm per figure frontage (24 figures) and the difference in frontage is negligible.

    if you are using Perry Miniatures plastic sets, the bases included are 15mm per figure.

  • Wayne, it is just a general thing. It is unlikely that anyone would have a frontage that falls in between because there is no figure count in the game. So, just make your units up accordingly. If you do have units that fall in between, just make a decision as to which size the unit will be and that will be ok. The difference will only be a few…[Read more]

  • Yes. It is mandatory. Also, even if the unit is not used for support ( there is more than one eligible to support – eg: two units at the rear) both would have to take the break test if the fighting unit is destroyed.

  • 1) That is correct. It is nasty charging into guns, so avoid it wherever possible. Both units will fire Closing Fire as your unit contacts. Then, should it have suffered any casualties, your unit takes a break test. Now, this doesn’t happen often with Infantry vs infantry, but where artillery is concerned, it is brutal. Once you’ve survived tha…[Read more]

  • Thanks for that page reference. I thought I was going mad. I knew it was there, but couldn’t find it no matter how hard I looked. I even looked in BP1!

    Going blind!

  • Big Al replied to the topic Complex battle in the forum Hail Caesar 3 years, 11 months ago

    It looks like one big fight. The right hand Green unit is engaged to the front (incidental) as well as the flank. It can, therefore, use half of its attacks to the front as well as the flank.


    However, you can split it into two combats. Alright, the right hand green unit is partially in contact with the right hand red unit, but again, the red…[Read more]

  • The big question here is “whose turn is it”. I mean, Unit doesn’t just “end up” in that position.

    A) Let’s assume that it is Red’s turn. The Blue unit is within proximity, so Red can move on Initiative and move back. That would take it away from the danger of a flank charge in the following turn.

    A second option would be to try to issue an order…[Read more]

  • 1) Yes, it splits into two combats.

    2) If it’s break test result was to hold its ground, yes it stands and fights in the next turn.

    3) Nobody. The situation ended as it was in the diagram. All units are engaged, so there is nobody in a position to offer support to any friends.

    4) No, it gets its full number of attacks.

    If the unit that was f…[Read more]

  • Don’t apologise. That is the purpose of this forum.

    In your situation, yes the victorious unit can support the following combat.

    This is why you choose the order that the combats are resolved. What a victorious unit does is entirely up to you. The only exception would be certain Special rules, for example Fanatics, who would have to follow up o…[Read more]

  • Not a lot, really. Depending on who charged who, they could have been moved to support in combat if it was the red unit that charged. Now, they’ll just have to sit and wait. Once the combat ends, they are in a position to shoot at the enemy.

  • Big Al replied to the topic Unit counts in the forum Hail Caesar 3 years, 11 months ago

    No. A unit is a unit. Size doesn’t matter where break point is concerned.

    to be fair, most tiny and a lot of small units are skirmishers anyway and as such don’t count towards the break point!

    The notes at the top of each army list States the parameters.

  • Big Al replied to the topic Three flankers… in the forum Hail Caesar 3 years, 11 months ago

    Right. Having now seen the diagram, the light cavalry would require a two move order to charge the Macedonian flank. Once it has charged, everything I said earlier happens.

    Regarding supporting units – The flank rule that you have asked about is something that you have misunderstood. When the rule talks about how many supports can be on each…[Read more]

  • Big Al replied to the topic Three flankers… in the forum Hail Caesar 3 years, 11 months ago

    I assume you are talking about the light horse? They may attempt to charge the Macedonian quarter that they start the turn in. From what you say, that is in the flank quarter, so, they can charge the flank. Meanwhile, the three Persian units to the front may attack the Macedonian front. The Macedonians are in trouble, as they cannot deal with the…[Read more]

  • Right! I don’t know what you don’t agree with but let me try to explain.

    “Better than 6” is the same as “less than 6”.

    In Black Powder, a roll of 6 to hit causes disorder. In Hail Caesar, a roll of 6 to hit causes a break test. Most of the break test results will cause disorder, with one or two exceptions, some good some bad.

    Anywa…[Read more]

  • I know what you mean and I agree in general. However, I think it was done this way to make sure that the unit wasn’t a “invulnerable”. If they had a better morale save, it might make them too hard. Especially when it came to hand to hand combat. This way, it allows for additional protection against missiles without giving them a better save again…[Read more]

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