Big Al


  • Not an error. Read the entry on page 88. It is due to their heavy armour.

    Now, if they counted as being in cover, it would still be a -1 to hit. So it is as you have suggested, effectively.

  • Big Al replied to the topic DBM => Hail Caesar in the forum Hail Caesar 3 years, 12 months ago

    Steve, Hail Caesar can be played with any figures based for any system and any scale.

    we’ve played with armies based for DBM and in 15mm. I would suggest using centimetres for movement and ranges because it is a straight switch with no maths involved whatsoever. Some will suggest using 2/3rds distances and all sorts. I don’t care how simple the m…[Read more]

  • 1) Yes it can in the following turn. I am assuming that it had moved into the support position in the current turn.

    If it was in that support position at the start of the turn and able to move after the infantry units were already moved into contact, then it could move in the same turn and give up its position of support.

    2) Yes. However, you…[Read more]

  • The regular way that players do it ( and this is a self adoption, not a rule) is to allow an aide to take over. The general way is to replace him with an officer that has one less command rating.

    Another way of doing it would be to roll for a new command rating, say with a -1 to the roll.

    In both cases, if you are using the command traits, roll…[Read more]

  • Forgive me, but I have been in Black Powder mode, which is why I gave the answer I did earlier.

    In Black Powder, when infantry form square as a reaction to a cavalry charge, the cavalry may then use the remainder of their movement to move back or away from the square. So, I would agree with your suggestion, or even use any excess movement to move…[Read more]

  • Ah! Good point. I missed that bit. Well then, as skirmishers can’t charge a formed unit, they will just stop. Actually, it is a tactic that would force a line unit back into line, making it vulnerable to other forms of attack. For example, you declare the charge by the skirmishers and the line closes ranks, it can’t then form square against a cav…[Read more]

  • Hi Nat,

    Yes, that’s right. When shooting it from the front, you count it as skirmishers for targeting, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you are hitting the skirmishers. You are hitting the unit, as you have said, so it gets all the benefits of the formation.

  • The light infantry can’t close up. If the skirmishers charge into contact, the light infantry don’t have close ranks as a charge reaction option, so it is never going to happen.

    When they are in combat, they form a loose line and fight in Open Order.

  • Big Al replied to the topic Napoleonic Artillery in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago

    Sorry guys, you are right. Shaken units can advance, they just cannot charge. My mistake!

  • Big Al replied to the topic Napoleonic Artillery in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago

    Edited my last post with page numbers.

  • Big Al replied to the topic Napoleonic Artillery in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago

    Look for it under Shaken!

  • Big Al replied to the topic Napoleonic Artillery in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago

    Is it right? Not really. That is some players’ opinion. The rules only specify that one gun is one gun. Some complain that the size of the base for artillery is too small and insist that the unit should consist of two guns and be increased accordingly. However, that is just opinion, not the rule, although the supplements do suggest similar, they a…[Read more]

  • Big Al replied to the topic Open Order in the forum Hail Caesar 4 years ago

    If a unit is in the wood, it remains in open order.

    as to artillery, this is probably why the author only used a single gun to represent artillery. It is just a single model, so doesn’t need to change formation.

  • Big Al replied to the topic New Player Question in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago

    Black Powder will meet your needs very well with those sort of forces.

    There  isn’t a points system anymore. There was a rudimentary one in v1 if the rules but no army lists. Since then, some supplement books for the period have been released and contain pointed armies. The supplements have some suggestions for alternative rules but were wr…[Read more]

  • Right, so, you can ignore them if you want to because of the skirmishers. That is your choice , but just remember that they are not skirmishers! The unit is a full regiment that has put a few skirmishers out to help protect itself. If it gets close enough, it can charge you and hit you with the full force of an infantry regiment, probably in…[Read more]

  • Always! Artillery are proper lightweights. If you just blow on them, they will disappear. They don’t want to fight, they want to shoot.

  • Seriously, Ben, I haven’t! And I have played a lot of games! Just lucky, I suppose.

  • Garry, that isn’t quite right. The enemy must be in your unit’s front quarter for the final move into contact. That means for initiative moves or the final move of multiPle moves. The chargers must also have A clear line of sight To the target at the beginning of the final move into contact

    The rule for charging from two or three moves away, Is…[Read more]

  • Big Al replied to the topic Various Nefarious in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago

    Garry has answered your questions correctly, except that the supplement is Last Argument of Kings, not First ;-).

    The idea of not shooting after a number of moves is generally thought of as a good idea. However, it assumes that you are actually moving the full distance over turn. I never use it, as I don’t agree with it because there is no p…[Read more]

  • Big Al replied to the topic Squares in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago

    For some reason, my full reply was blocked! Here is the rest of it.

    3) If enemy cavalry are within 12 inches, the infantry must remain in square and cannot change formation. Otherwise, the infantry can change formation.

    With regard to the Proximity Rule, a formation change (expanding or contracting of the frontage) does not count as moving to…[Read more]

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