Big Al


  • @Bert – Yes, the Proximity Rule is all important and always applies.

    @Nat – I assume we are talking Napoleonic, so yes. All regular infantry has the Must Form Square Rule, even those in Open Order. There isn’t a formation called “skirmisher”. A unit that is skirmishing is a regular small or tiny unit that is operating in Open Order.

  • 1) If the cavalry is within proximity, it can only move into its front or rear quarter. The rule on page 36 states that it is obliged to move “more or less” straight forward or straight back. So, whether it can charge and which unit it can charge, depends totally on which unit falls within its front quarter. According to your example, it sou…[Read more]

  • Yes, remember that Clash of Eagles was written and published well before the second edition of the Black Powder rulebook. So, the references to the main rulebook are the first edition rulebook.

    Generally, the supplements are compatible with BP2 but not 100% compatible, like the example you have asked about.

  • Sorry for the late reply, Angel. On FB I just use my name Alex Elstone

  • I answered this on FB, but I don’t think you were happy with it. You could try calling Rick in on it there. He tends not to respond on here.

  • Big Al replied to the topic Points system in the forum Black Powder 4 years, 3 months ago

    Certainly, it is overly critical. People who say this tend to be the ones who don’t really like the rules for whatever reason. Usually, it is because of the simplicity of the rules. They seem to prefer micromanagement of units and be allowed to move every unit on the table in whatever way they choose.

    That isn’t the point to the system in Bla…[Read more]

  • Big Al replied to the topic Determinig who won. in the forum Hail Caesar 4 years, 3 months ago

    Not usually. Depends on the time available. If you’re playing to an objective, it often doesn’t come into it. A broken division is not that easy to come across unless you have small divisions. An odd number of units in a division makes it a fairly rare occurrence.

    If you’re having trouble with avoiding broken divisions, you need to look at using…[Read more]

  • Big Al replied to the topic Determinig who won. in the forum Hail Caesar 4 years, 3 months ago

    How big are your forces, or games?

    We don’t usually have a problem in an evening’s game. Often, it is quite obvious who has won. If you’re playing to a scenario, which we usually do, you should have objectives, but even if you aren’t playing to a scenario, set yourselves objectives or an objective. Once you have achieved them you could conside…[Read more]

  • The easiest thing to do is just convert to centimetres. That means there is no maths to do, however simple. It works and works well. The current QRS works because the numbers are all the same, you just have to remember it’s centimetres. Of course, that becomes obvious when your unit hurtles off like a rocket because your opponent, wide eyed, l…[Read more]

  • I thought they were light dragoons and became hussars later. In which case, they wouldn’t have peilises. Becoming hussars was a fashion thing, so possibly had them because they liked to strut and show off.

    Really IO is your man for this.

  • Hi Duane,


    i think what has you confused is the points system and how it is calculated for each unit. So, you are looking at the -1 for the Special Rules that may be attached to a unit of Raw Recruits, like Freshly Raised or Levies.

    actually, the points per unit, which is fully explained at the beginning of the appendix on page 80, is where…[Read more]