Bill Smith

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  • #169563
    Bill Smith

    I am struggling to get 6 people interested. The format requires 6 players – 3 Axis and 3 Allied. So far I have a total of 3 people interested including myself.

    Bill Smith

    latest version

    Bill Smith

    On the Fairmile, the bleeding started pretty much immediately after painting, so your suggestion of leaving it for a week after priming would have worked (at least in the respect of not wasting my time on it)

    However, the trawler was painted and varnished in March, and the bleeding did not begin until July. I am reluctant to paint any more of the models after that!

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Bill Smith.
    Bill Smith

    I have now had this happen on a second model – a British trawler which I finished painting in early March. Last time I looked at it about a month ago, it was fine. Yesterday when I took it out of the box there was liquid resin covering much of the deck and superstructure. At present I have painted a total of 11 resin models. 6 of these came from the first releases – 5 from the British and German boxed sets and the tanker. I have had no problem with these. However, 2 out of 5 models bought subsequently have shown this problem. To say I am annoyed is a bit of an understatement after spending considerable time painting both of these models. I let the first go as a one off, but 40% failure on boats bought after the first batch is not good.

    I have 8 resin boats waiting to be painted, but I am unsure where to bother now, if there is a chance that my work will be ruined after a period of months.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Bill Smith.
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Bill Smith.
    Bill Smith

    The British wapons pack has twin HMGs in metal, which fit the Vosper “type 1” bin.

    Bill Smith

    No. It causes 6 points of damage, and also causes a critical hit (if it is not saved by your opponent passing a skill check)

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Bill Smith.
    Bill Smith

    I tried drilling a few holes into the bottom of the hull of the Fairmile, to try to channel the weeping liquid away from the painted surfaces. It didn’t work.

    Bill Smith

    The effect only seems to become apparent after priming – that’s the strangest thing about it.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Bill Smith.
    Bill Smith

    That is even worse than my Fairmile.

    Bill Smith

    The Arras class gunboats would be an excellent addition to the fleets.

    They were designed to resemble small coastal steamers (Q ships in effect), so in model form they could be built as either gunboats or as merchant vessels.

    Bill Smith

    British single mount 2pdr pom-pom for me. It would allow a more armament on the dog boats. I was disappointed that MTB 624 doesn’t come with one.

    Bill Smith

    I would go with 6s causing conventional criticals. It is a deck level explosion so quite likely to disable guns, cause fires etc.

    Bill Smith

    There is a drawing in Leonard C, Reynolds’ “Dog Boats at War” showing MTB 605 in November 1944 with a powered 6pdr forward and a manual 6pdr aft, but I can’t find any photographs of a boat with this combination. Unfortunately, unlike the Warlord model MTB 605 only has the aft pair of torpedo tubes and a manual twin Oerlikon rather than the powered mount.

    The 2pdr forward/manual 6pr aft certainly looks much more common from pictures,and it appears to have been succeeded by the powered 6pdrs fore and aft layout.

    Bill Smith

    I don’t think there were any instances where a 6pdr on a MkVI manual mount was mounted on the foredeck of a Fairmile type D (despite the Warlord pictures). These were always mounted on the rear deck, initially with a 2pdr, and later a 6pdr on a MkVII powered mount at the front. The model has a correct weapons mix, but not as shown on the Warlord art. Later the rear 6pr MkVI mount was replaced with a second MkVII on some boats, and this can be modelled using the weapons pack.

    Bill Smith

    Yes, the 1/350 Flower class and the release of only barrage balloons last week were disappointing to say the least. Everything that Warlord has released to date (possibly excepting the barrage balloons) has been visible since about October last year. It would be nice to get some hint of what is on the release schedule, before I resort to 3d printing!

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