Stuart Harrison


  • Still has the order test – Tank Fear is an additional trigger for the normal order test, it doesn’t replace it.  If one trigger applies (or another one, ie: shirkers) you have to take the test, just without the tank fear modifier in this case.

  • All empty transports can only fire one weapon unless they have a specific special rule stating otherwise. p114, Vehicles, Transport Vehicles, Role of Transports, third para.  Any more than one requires passengers to fire the other weapons.


  • FAQ under Armies of Italy and the Axis:

    “If I play with an Italian army in a attacker-defender scenario, the
    enemy can’t do a Run order in the first turn if the Italian is the
    defender. Can an artillery unit move onto the board in the first turn
    if it is in the first wave (it only can move with a run order)? And a
    fixed weapon (it only can move w…[Read more]

  • Looks to be an author oversight as every unit on the surrounding pages includes the ‘selectors’ heading to show where you can use them.  Shame it wasn’t fixed in the errata when they fixed the Native Irregulars on the previous page.


  • I’d say it’s too late to react – general principle is that escape reactions are before the roll to hit and the roll you just got a ‘1’ with is the roll to hit for a dog mine.

  • Normally no.  This is the consequence of one being given an order or the other.  Only one gets to act each turn.

    The exception is when bringing in both from reserve, p131, Playing a Game of Bolt Action, Scenario Special Rules, Setting up Observers and Snipers, fourth para – “If a unit that has a spotter is left in reserve, the first time you s…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Officer bonus in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago

    It’s a boost to morale, so affects any morale based test. (so both in your example, order test and morale check).

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic HE Template Overlap in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago

    p107, Vehicles, Shooting at Vehicles, Hits From HE Shells, first para, first sentence “… the template is placed as close as possible to the centre of the vehicle.” and second para, first sentence “If a vehicle is caught under the template of an HE shot directed at a different unit, always use the front armour value of the vehicle as the vehicle…[Read more]

  • There is no line between the plane and the target – apply pins to units within 6 inches of the centre of the plane/marker and the same to units within 6″ of the target unit. (ie: two circles, not a racetrack shape).

  • End of ’41 and ’42 (ie: fall of Malaya, Singapore, Hong Kong etc, early Kokoda battles), certainly – KD uniforms were pretty much all they had and the equipment was the same.  From about ’43 it had mostly been replaced with long Jungle Greens more suited to fighting in the jungles.

  • To the best of my knowledge…

    a) Were the arm patches and flashes worn on both the left and the right arms?


    b) The additional decals of the blue square with the white diag line – was worn where?

    They’re not additional, they’re alternatives to the black watch regimental patch (Seaforths?, KOSB?)

    c) Were the long service stripes worn in t…[Read more]

  • @Nat – you are correct, the ranging in process only affects whether you score a hit, not which floor.

    The roll for which floor an indirect HE hit actually goes off on is after you’ve scored a hit,  you still have to determine which floor each subsequent hit goes off on, and you would have to get 2″ from the building to re-set the ranging in on…[Read more]

  • Criteria to retain ranging in includes the following in brackets – “to count as moved, the entire unit must be at least 2″ away from the area that it was covering before” – moving vertically doesn’t get you away from the area you were covering before, so as written would not reset ranging in.

  • @ Darin, a 2″ template isn’t going to hit any other units unless someone forgot the 1″ rule between units 😉 (you’d be lucky to clip anyone with a 3″) – remember with vehicles the template needs to be centred over the target vehicle.

  • Nat, if I remember correctly, the ROKS-2 upgrade is only available to the flamethrower team, not the flamethrower added to assault engineer squads.

  • @Nat

    “@Stuart – indirect fire (the only way to hit top armour) has a +1 on the damage table as well…. but I cant think of anything you’ve not covered.”

    It is also possible to get top armour hits from plunging fire (p123) – this would require being set up in an upper storey of a building and having the target vehicle within 12″ – that’s why I men…[Read more]

  • Yes, he can.

    It’s exceptional damage.  Normal casualty removal rules allow specifically allow for any model to be removed, even models that are ‘completely out of sight and out of range of enemy weapons’ – what exceptional damage does is change which player gets to choose, it doesn’t introduce any restriction on which models can be chosen.

    You…[Read more]

  • Your next step is rolling ‘to damage’ with the HE pen +2 added to your D6.  If your shot is against side or rear, you will also add that modifier (+1 or +2 respectively, you are unlikely to get ‘top’ with direct fire).  There are no specific ‘to damage’ modifiers applicable to being open topped vs direct fire.

    If your total is 7, you score s…[Read more]

  • Used doesn’t imply anything but ‘used’ to me.  There is no suggestion of needing to score a hit/cause any damage to the target unit.

    Reading more into things than is written is one of the biggest problems, not the rules themselves.  It keeps tripping people up.

  • It’s not even ‘shot at’, it’s “If a flamethrower is used against troops in a building then the building catches fire or D6 roll of a 4, 5, or 6…”.

    As I read it, flamethowers are rightly lethal against the building, even if it does nothing to the troops inside directly by scoring a hit.

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