Stuart Harrison


  • Yes.  It can be absolutely devastating if the FT owner is lucky with his dice and gets multiple hits followed by multiple successful damage rolls.  Moral of the story – don’t let enemy flamethrowers get a shot at your vehicles!  There’s a reason the attract a lot of fire and some events limit how many can be included.

  • … and the same discussion under first edition, with none of the relevant wording changed between editions – includes a post from Alessio confirming one test.

  • I’m with Greg on this – multiple triggers for a test/check doesn’t mean multiple tests/checks, just that you’re definitely taking that test/check.

    It’s the same as with order tests – normal trigger is having a pin, Tank Fear requires you to take the test whether pinned or not, Tiger Fear requires you to take the test as if you have a…[Read more]

  • @ Charles, that is incorrect.  There is nothing in the flamethrower rules reducing it to a single hit vs vehicles, or tying the maximim hits to the number of models.  It is not like HE where you count the number of models under the template with a vehicle being a single model, therefore one hit.

    This misunderstanding has cropping up since first e…[Read more]

  • Also, don’t forget to read the errata for those pages – it makes it very clear you are still targetting the unit in the building despite the LOS line about ‘literally targetting the building’.

  • Exactly as Master Chief says, the only provision for targetting the actual building is for empty buildings (p126).  Once the building is occupied, you are targetting a unit in the building (p124-125).

  • Not by the rules.  The only weapons with a provision to split fire are one shot weapons and indirect fire weapons.

  • By the rules, it starts again – your target, the unit, has left the building and you are now shooting at a new target which just happens to be in the same location.

    Prime ground for a house rule, but important to understand the difference.

  • By my reading of the FAQ, the  InR HQ is not an officer unit, it is an infantry squad, and as such does not meet the compulsory requirement for a lieutenant/second lieutenant HQ unit.  I see it no differently than an observer team – it may have an officer in it, but it’s not an officer unit for bolt action purposes and can’t fill you compulsory p…[Read more]

  • @Jacob Carter:

    “It should take precedence since it’s the most recent unit build.” – not really.  It’s an additional option available for use from Market Garden onwards and generic reinforced platoons as an alternative, it doesn’t replace the AoUS entry.

  • Open topped vehicles take a pin from any hit, even from small arms – no requirement to actually be able to damage.  That’s one of the major drawbacks of open topped armoured vehicles vs fully enclosed – even a guy with a pistol can cause them problems.  See p118, Vehicles, Vehicle Special Rules, Open-Topped, second para – “Open-Topped armoured v…[Read more]

  • One correction – Soft skin vehicles are specifically excluded from superficial damage, so even equaling the 6+ ‘to damage’ you get a normal unmodified roll on the damage results chart.

  • “A sniper hitting a soft-skin kills it (automatic exceptional damage of 6+”

    This is still incorrect.  Hitting is not enough, you have to roll to damage, requiring a 6+ to damage a soft skin (p91, unit special rules, Sniper, fifth para – “If the sniper successfully rolls to wound and damage…” – my bold), then if your roll to damage is…[Read more]

  • “In any case I do not think there is a need for the sniper to target an open-topped vehicle’s crew. If the sniper hits an open-topped soft-skin (if there is one), the vehicle is destroyed because the sniper’s exceptional damage would mean it has rolled a 6+ for damage.”

    1.  Open topped only applies to armoured vehicles – first words in the rule…[Read more]

  • @Danny – the Bren Carrier is 60 points at regular, AoGB p57.   The MRB version is 70 points, but the MRB doesn’t have the mortar carrier version under discussion.  The difference in price is the MRB version having recce where the army book doesn’t.

  • 1.  Yes.  Vehicles don’t suffer from the ‘fixed’ rule, which is what stops infantry medium and heavy mortars etc from moving and firing.

    2.  No ranging in benefit if either the target or the firer has moved since the last shot.

    3.  No.  You get a vehicle with a mortar as it’s weapon, effectively a self propelled mortar.  It’s not a trans…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Panzerfaust in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 5 months ago

    Yes, you can.  See p72, Weapons, Weapon Special Rules, One Shot, second paragraph.  Panzerfaust has the ‘One shot’ rule.

  • Observers – Yes as they are independent units.  Same for snipers.

    The only ones that were questionable are spotters (remember spotters and observers are entirely different in Bolt Action, despite real life similarity  – don’t fall into the trap of mixing the terms) as they are “treated as separate units in all other respects, and the rules made n…[Read more]

  • Re “How do you move them?”

    They are multiple launchers and come under the Artillery unit type, so they move as artillery.  The only mention of movement in the multiple launcher rules tells us that they tow as light howitzers, with no mention of different treatment for manhandling.  Lacking any other special rules/restrictions, I would suggest m…[Read more]

  • Yep, the whole bit is the criteria (takes an option which states transport capacity is lost), the consequences follow on if that entire criteria is met (ceases to be a transport and takes up another slot) – you’re not the first to interpret it as criteria (transport takes an option) and consequence (loses transport capacity) with following in game…[Read more]

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