Stuart Harrison


  • 1.  Not quite correct – the only transports that lose transport capacity when taking an option are those that have it specifically listed in the option for the upgrade – ie: jeeps – “May have a pintle-mounted MMG for +15 points, losing all transport capacity”.  If you take the option to add the MMG, the jeep loses transport capacity and becomes a…[Read more]

  • Yes, as there is no stated exclusion from the rule for being in reserve, and the roll to come in from reserve is an order test – the only exclusions are being below maximum allowable strength (either didn’t take all the optional extra men or have taken a casualty) or having a maximum allowable strength less than 10 men.

  • P67, Weapons, Weapon Special Rules, Flamethrower, second para – “If you score a hit with a flamethrower the number of hits is multiplied into D6 (or D6+1 in the case of vehicle mounted flamethrowers). Roll for damage as usual.”

    You’ll note there is no mention of target unit type, so this applies to infantry artillery and vehicle targets, and no…[Read more]

  • If you score a hit, one man dies on anything but a ‘1’ for the damage roll – there is no additional benefit from the overkill, no HE template.

    Basically you only do it if there isn’t a better target to get move value from all that pen.

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic 6' weapons in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 7 months ago

    @ Greg – like a lot of tactical advice, that’s situational.  If the target unit is planning to assault the FT unit (either later this turn or you’re hoping for first dice next turn) you actually want that guy within 6″ when you charge – surprise charge negates reaction fire.

  • @ Jacob – it depends entirely on the wording in the specific scenario being used.  If playing the beach landing scenario on P68 of Campaign: D-Day Overlord you are specifically required to divide your 1500 point army into two 750 point waves (first wave is actually on table deployment in the deep water zone, second wave corresponds with the…[Read more]

  • Sounds correct to me – units embarked on a transport count as deploying with that transport.

  • 1.   Bolt action writers are notorious for failing to specifically cover every possible rule interaction, particularly with ‘non standard’ units.  I would not try to claim a benefit from a weapon not actually being used that turn.  It’s not a fantasy game where talismans confer a benefit – having a rifle slung across your back or on the ground nex…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic 6' weapons in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 7 months ago

    Answer is yes to both.

    You measure range to the nearest visible enemy model, but you are shooting at the unit as a whole, not just that model.

    Once you have determined how many hits, you roll for damage then remove casualties caused.  On p58, Shooting, Target Takes Casualties, last para you will find the following – “Note that casualties can be…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Examples in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 7 months ago

    First point, make sure you download and read the FAQ/Errata:

    Second, it’s a good idea to join a few of the facebook groups depending on your location/level of interest – many of them are more active than this forum so you will get a wider cross section of…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic 6' weapons in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 7 months ago

    There is nothing to cancel either point blank or long range modifiers 6″ range weapons, so both apply in the over 3″ up to 6″ range band.

    The modifier which is not applicable to flamethrowers is as Greg S says, the long range penetration modifier (damage roll), not the long range ‘to hit’ modifier.  P67, Weapons, Weapon Special Rules,…[Read more]

  • “To me as always reulesbook is not clear. ”

    I have to disagree with you here.

    The rule is quite simply stated – p36, Units, One-Inch Gap, “… units must always end their move 1″ or more from any other unit whether friend or foe.” with a stated exception for close quarters.  The second para then adds that you can’t move within 1″ of an enemy…[Read more]

  • As Nat says, massive damage is a possibility with 3″ or 4″ templates vs a soft skin, so it is possible to have two rolls on the damage results chart despite only having one hit and one roll on the roll to damage.

  • @ Steve T, correct – see p107, Vehicles, Shooting at Vehicles, Hits From HE Shells, first para, second sentence – “The vehicle itself takes a single hit, as the unit consists of a single model – just roll to damage the vehicle using the pen value of the shell (see page 70).”  Note there is no distintion between types of vehicle, this applies to…[Read more]

  • One incorrect statement I spotted in MasterChief’s reply:

    “For multiple HE hits, place the templates as described on page 69. Each template is a hit, so roll as many dice as templates.”

    Once placed, multiple templates act like a single irregular shaped template, not as individual templates.  Each model under them is only hit once – not once per template.

  • First line of the rule – “Where indicated in the scenario, units can be hidden at the start of the game.”

    There is nothing mentioned about hiding during set up, just ‘at the start of the game’ – set up is completed before the start of the game, so I would go with B.

  • As Nat says, obvious cut and paste error by the person compiling AoG second edition – first edition rules required 12 or more hits to bring down a building, Goliath rules were drafted under first edition (Ostfront, p45).

    Even without that, it’s just a reminder of a rule rather than a special rule in and of itself.  If there’s a difference…[Read more]

  • Correct, there is nothing to indicate otherwise that I am aware of.

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Unit cards in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 8 months ago

    The cards Master Chief mentions were riddled with errors so most people stayed away from buying them – they were quietly dropped and have hardly been mentioned since as they weren’t worth the stock they were printed on.

  • Simple principle – if you are interrupted by an ambush say 4 inches into a 6 inch advance move, you move each of the remaining models up to 4 inches so the unit is in a coherent formation, resolve the shot, then complete the move with only the remaining 2 inches of movement for each model.  If you string your unit out by only moving some models…[Read more]

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