Stuart Harrison


  • Because Warlord uses different authors for the supplements and doesn’t use a continuity editor to prevent such glitches/enforce consistency.

  • “American veteran tank crews also have the benefit of ignoring the -1 to hit from advancing just like American infantry, depending on the tank”

    Note, this only extends to the specific weapons with the gyro-stabiliser rule (usually only the main gun on the majority of US tanks – not all tanks have them and none of the tank destroyers etc have…[Read more]

  • No, that’s the only benefits to being Veteran – morale 10 and damage value 5+

  • The Japanese version is in Empires in Flames, p80.  It’s just a single squad entry for inclusion with Japanese armies, but the author forgot to include the paragraph on which selectors it can be used for.

    I don’t think there’s a specific entry for the German version anywhere, but nothing would stop you fielding them as a variant SS squad, Heer…[Read more]

  • See the FAQ page for AoSU, body armour question.

    “Does the body armour bonus apply against hits suffered in close
    combat? And what about against hits from a destroyed transport the
    engineers were riding in?
    Yes to both, as most damage in close combat is caused by small
    arms, and damage from burning transports does not have a Pen
    value and thus…[Read more]

  • “Apart from attacker/defender scenarios & if in reserve, ”

    There is nothing preventing their being set up using forward deployment during attacker/defender scenarios, only if in reserve.  The second para even tells you the order they set up for attacker/defender scenarios.  “In an Attacker-Defender scenario the defender sets up his spotters, o…[Read more]

  • Yes, the skate rail went all the way round, but it would be rare for it to be clear to actually slide the guns around, and they were usually clamped in one position on the rail – see illustration from a model below or there are walk around videos showing the pads that were attached, various stowage that would interfere with free travel of the MG…[Read more]

  • Another FAQ response ignoring a clearly stated rule – p73, Weapons, Weapon Special Rules, Team Weapon, Squad Based Team Weapons, third sentence “Choose which model becomes the loader – you can pick any model in the squad except the NCO, …”.

    Again the Western Desert author creates a discrepancy with the rules and it’s fudged in the FAQ rather…[Read more]

  • You are restricting yourself more than the rules require.

    When empty, you can fire one weapon – you nominate which you are firing that time when you declare targets, it isn’t pre-set, so you can choose to fire either the front arc LMG or the pintle MMG each time there is an opportunity to fire.

    In order to fire both, you need a passenger to man…[Read more]

  • The rule applies to ‘units or weapons’ that fire multiple HE shots simultaneously – it doesn’t matter whether you’ve got one barrel or 20 firing at that target unit, the same rule applies as it’s all coming from one unit.  The automatic cannon is just an example of a way you can get multiple HE hits.

  • Looks like you’re right, the only German language edition on the web store looks to be the first edition cover, no sign of a translated second edition:

  • “I think i have an older german army book” – This is entirely possible – does your Armies of Germany book have ‘second edition’ under the Bolt Action logo on the front cover?  If not, it’s the first edition book which was replaced in 2016 (Germany is the only army that they felt needed a second edition book to balance it’s national rules with the…[Read more]

  • “I agree with Warlord answer, because spotter can’t fire or assault, excalty like a medic and a chaplain. ”

    Steeljackal – the gap in your “exactly” claim is that medics and chaplains ARE non-combatants under the laws of armed conflict, a spotter is not.

    The first two aren’t allowed to fire or assault based on their non combatant status.  The sp…[Read more]

  • “Personally I’d have said no… because a spotter is an upgrade to a unit not a unit him (or her)self.. in that they dont provide an order die (they merly use the mortar /howitzers*)  & unless the FAQ says otherwise that’ll be the way I’ll play it”

    The problem with this interpretation is that the spotter rules specifically tell you they are “……[Read more]

  • That reply isn’t supported by anything in the rulebook and sounds like a house rule – Warlord customer support answers should be taken with a grain of salt and only used as “private use” guidance.

    Alessio’s own words on them –

    Let me elaborate a little on this ’email answer’ situation:
    When a customer asks a difficult rule question, like the…[Read more]

  • Agree with the above with the exception of weapons/units with special rules that explicitly state they get additional attacks in close quarters – ie: adding a lance to a Polish cavalryman specifically gives him +1 attack.  This is covered in the FAQ:

    “Some units from first edition books, like Sgt Kenshiro, or Polish
    lancers, have additional…[Read more]

  • Problem with this bit:

    “(b) Attacking enemy units: I assume the engineer could “advance” 4 inches away from an enemy unit and detonate the explosive. The enemy unit will be hit by HE 4″ with number of hits to be determined by 4″ template.”

    You can’t start a turn adjacent to an enemy unit to place the explosive – you would have had to breach t…[Read more]

  • To add to the confusion, have you looked at p179, Fortifications, Barbed Wire, Special Rules “Combat engineers (Pioneers) can clear an adjacent strip by receiving a Down order, but not as a reaction to enemy fire.”

    No test involved.  Why would you use the test for Bangalores when you have a way of doing it automatically that also allows you the…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic 25-Pounder in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 11 months ago

    “First off, the 25 pounder was a field gun, not any sort of howitzer.  It had a longer by proportion barrel and a muzzle velocity higher than any howitzer.  It was intended to engage targets with direct as well as indirect fire.  ”

    We are discussing the rules of a game.  I did not assert that the 25 pounder is a howitzer, simply that it has bee…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic 25-Pounder in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 11 months ago

    Your point doesn’t take into account the brackets that all weapons are required to fall into for this game.  The 25 Pounder is in the light bracket for howitzers which rolls in anything from around 75mm up through 95mm howitzers – it’s actually in the middle of it’s bracket.  75s are at or near the bottom with anything smaller generally getting s…[Read more]

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