Stuart Harrison


  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Finnish special rule in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    Your modifiers are based on the order you are on at the time modifiers are assessed – You are firing from Ambush (actually flipping your die to a Fire order), so no -1 for having moved, that only applies if you are firing as part of an Advance action.  Bolt Action doesn’t care how you came to be on your current order (or lack of one), just that…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Assaulting and pins in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    First edition, once you made it into close quarters both sides removed all pins.

    Second edition you don’t – the assaulter just loses a single pin for passing the orders test to make the assault, otherwise pins are now irrelevant to close quarters.

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Units on transport in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    “But I have always thought all hits from a single firing unit on a single target will score only 1 pin regardless of number of hits from different weapons of the unit, or did I understand wrongly?”

    The hits cause a single pin (or batch of pins) same as any other shooting situation, but the first three results on the damage results table each…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Units on transport in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    Massive damage literally says you roll 2 dice and apply both.  Nothing is suggested about only applying the first if one of those results is ‘knocked out’.

    Remember the ‘Shooting at Vehicles’ section isn’t a replacement to the normal shooting rules, it only mentions where the normal sequence varies for vehicles (ie: no mention of declaring…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Units on transport in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    @Nat – “@stuart…except the part of the rules that literally says don’t apply anymore damage results and remove the vehicle as soon as you get a destroyed result!”

    Where are you reading as saying that – I don’t recall it and I’m not spotting it.

    Re hits on vehicle destruction and pen, the FAQ you’re all looking for is in regards to body arm…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Units on transport in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    “Hence if your flamethrower kills the unit, your panzerfaust would be considered “fired” and used up even though it is essentially firing at nothing.”

    Point to consider with this – just because you have established that the transport is destroyed from the damage results of the flamethrower doesn’t mean the ‘faust is wasted.

    The vehicle isn’t des…[Read more]

  • “Couldn’t help to notice that in your pasted screenshot, the tank is worth 20 extra points!”

    Compare the weapons – Battleground Europe version has a medium AT, AoG has a light AT.  Light AT is consistent with the Char B1 entry in AoFatA.

  • Looks like a cut and paste error by the author of AoG – using the version of the rule from AoIJ instead of AoFatA.

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Transport Vehicles in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    Master Chief is correct by the base rules.  There is an optional rule on p217, Transport Units, that you might like to read and discuss with your opponent once you have access to your MRB again – it allows you to field multiple transports as a single unit with a combined transport capacity, but is not in play by default.

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Tanks reaction fire in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    Yes, the turret can rotate exactly as if the tank received a fire ( or advance) order by any other means.

    It’s the general rule that it can and nothing is stated to change it for reaction fire.

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Tanks reaction fire in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    Reaction fire requires a unit not to have an order – there is no special provision for tanks to react if they already have an order.

    If a unit has an ambush order it can initiate the ambush during the assault move, but that is entirely separate from reaction fire.

  • “The Axis Support unit is not limited to tanks, correct?  So if the Axis Support slot on easyarmy only shows a certain selection of German tanks, if I wanted to take an armored car or sp artillery, that’s legal?”

    Correct.   Axis support is ‘… one extra unit…’, no suggestion that it can only be a tank, just that it can’t be a vehicle with dama…[Read more]

  • I would say no, except as a house rule agreed with your opponent.

    Options available to the NCO specifically mention the NCO, otherwise there is no point mentioning him in any of the “NCO + up to ‘x’ men may…” options, you could just write ‘x+1’ instead (ie: ‘up to 4 men’ rather than ‘NCO + up to 3 men’).

  • “im pretty sure German supplied armour still benefits from the German special abilities, in this case the higher rate of fire for the vehicle machine guns.”

    I would say it does for the Axis Support unit, not for the Hungarian slot unless specifically stated otherwise – national rules don’t carry over with equipment, just as Soviets and British…[Read more]

  • You have one Hungarian tank from the tank slot in your selector, plus you have national rule, ‘Axis Support’, which allows you a German or Italian unit which can also be a tank (the only damage value 10+ or 11+ optional allowed is the Tiger 1).


  • Master Chief is correct.  A penalty to morale does not equal a reduction in experience level – it doesn’t matter whether that penalty is loss of the NCO, a pin, or any other penalty, the unit is still the same experience level it would be without the penalty.

  • Empire in Flames threatre book has a Native Irregulars squad available to a number of armies, armament is rifles with an SMG option for the NCO rather than native weapons.

  • If deciding between firing HE or AP (weapons with both options have a number in the pen column and a HE value in the special rules column) keep in mind that a natural one will always fail a to hit or to damage roll.

    This means you only need +1 pen to get the maximum “to damage” vs inexperienced infantry, +2 pen vs regular, and +3 vs veterans. …[Read more]

  • “These boats were designed to be carried from river to river on special carriages on armoured trains! Now there is a scenario!”

    As I read it, that’s not a statement that a scenario has already been written.  It’s a bit of historical trivia followed by a statement/suggestion/idea that the preceding sentence would be a good basis for a scenario -…[Read more]

  • The long range penetration penalty is part of the additional penetration modifiers on p106/107.

    First sentence of the paragraph introducing them (p106, Vehicles, Shooting at vehicles, Damage vs Armoured Targets, second para) – “When shooting against armoured vehicles with a heavy weapon, the following penetration modifiers apply.”  If it’s not…[Read more]

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