Stuart Harrison


  • Not having LOS as a rationale for not being able to charge from a transport is a player interpretation, not a stated part of the rule.  While the one off allowance for Tiger fear undermines the player’s mental justification for a number of rules, it doesn’t actually change any of them except Tiger Fear.


  • All firing of the transport’s weapons is on the transport’s order. The passenger’s order is irrelevant, they just need to be present (though weapons fired by the passengers will be affected by their experience and pins).

  • Artillery barrage radius is a distance not a template, and all distances for artillery are measured to/from the centre of the gun (the breech) as per p93, Artillery, Artillery and Measuring Distances.

  • You are correct. Only the unit being assaulted can use reaction fire. The only way the other units could assist would be if they were in Ambush.

  • The unit entry is Campaign Western Desert, p92.

    The unit comes with 2 sidecar combinations and 4 men. You can add two pillion passengers that go on the existing combinations. You can also add a single man on a motorbike. You can replace one man’s rifle with a LMG – that’s the only way you get an MG sidecar in the KRADSCHÜTZEN M/CYCLE SIDECAR…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Spotters in the forum Bolt Action 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    “And you left out a key sentence following the statement the crew sees what’s he sees. The next sentence explains the spotter is enabling the crew to see a target that is invisible to them .” The sentence you are referring to doesn’t introduce anything new to the rule, all it does is point out how you can benefit from being able to draw your L…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Spotters in the forum Bolt Action 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    Because the spotter doesn’t act. The interaction for a spotter is “If an indirect fire weapon is fired by veteran or regular crew, and it has a spotter, then the crew is assumed to be able to see whatever the spotter can see.” For spotting purposes, he is literally just another point the crew of the firing weapon can see from. It is not a…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Spotters in the forum Bolt Action 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    No. The indirect fire unit is firing and using the spotter’s line of sight. The spotter is passive and not receiving an order, so no requirement for the spotter to test. It’s no different to a pinned officer or medic passively providing a benefit to a unit within their area of effect.

  • “…but nowhere, in any of the Army Lists, does it show that I can use a Kradschützen Squad.”

    Kradschützen squads are in most of the early war theatre selectors under the 0-4 infantry squads. Example,

    AoG p 81, Infantry, 0-4 Infantry Squads: Heer Infantry squads, Kradschützen squads or a maximum of 1 Heer Pioneer squad.

  • 1) Says nothing about the defender. Does the defender draw his dices on the first turn as usual?

    Yes. That is the default for a turn and there is nothing to suggest a difference in this case.

    2) Attacker entering with “advance” can already shoot at units within range?

    Yes. Again, shooting at the end of an Advance order is the default and the…[Read more]

  • Where is it open to interpretation? Sniper teams do not have any ‘… as depicted on the model’ in the weapon line (that’s only HQ units), they have defined weapons as allocated in the weapon line of their entry in the army list, or if the supplement author was following the rules, just the one sniper rifle same as any other team weapon. The…[Read more]

  • Weapon team members are usually not allocated weapons (exception for some nations sniper teams) as per p73, Weapons, Team Weapons, second para, last sentence. They fight with the default one attack in close quarters, and no special rules – they don’t get any benefit from what they’re modelled with.

  • ‘All enemy units that are within 18″ of, and have line of sight to, one or more
    vehicle with the Tiger Fear special rule…’ and ‘… except if ordered to Fire against a vehicle causing Tiger Fear.’ – there is no requirement to target the particular vehicle causing Tiger Fear, or all vehicles causing Tiger Fear, just a vehicle causing Tiger Fear,…[Read more]

  • I take it you’re talking about ambushing a tank on an Advance order? The tank is not open topped until after it has fired the pintle mounted weapon. That means after the shooting part of an Advance order. You can only ambush movement (unless attempting to fire normally at the end of the turn), so your opportunity to activate your ambush has…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Penetration in the forum Bolt Action 8 months, 1 week ago

    Penetration, the weapon stat, applies vs all targets as you stated – P61, second sentence of the definition. What doesn’t apply except when heavy weapons hit armoured targets is the pen modifiers (side, rear, top, long range) from p106-7, Vehicles, Shooting At Vehicles, Damage vs Armoured Targets.

  • @ Steiner, that ‘double penalty’ is specific to HE. There is no equivalent for flame weapons – flamethrowers are already devastating enough.

  • The first damage result, stunned, is on ‘1 or less’ to account for superficial damage reducing the score below 1. The minimum (and most likely) result is stunned.

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic 6' weapons in the forum Bolt Action 8 months, 2 weeks ago


    3+ base to hit number
    Point blank modifier (+1 to your die score) makes that a 2+ needed on the dice (so far). This one will always apply with a 6″ range weapon.

    At 3″ or under, it doesn’t suffer the long range to hit penalty, so if no other modifiers apply it remains 2+ to hit.

    At over 3″, it suffers the long range penalty (-1…[Read more]

  • There is nothing preventing long range and point blank overlapping and both applying for short ranged weapons. They are different factors assessed separately – think of long range as limitations of the weapon and point blank being the benefit of instinctive aiming for the firer.

  • @Mark G, I’m not a fan of major buffs to HE, especially when HE was already so good vs AP in first edition that they decided to up the HE values of the big AT guns to balance the points better. I’m doubly against it when those suggested buffs don’t come with a suggested cost increase.

    HE vs smoke mechanics – smoke has a persistent effect on the…[Read more]

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