Stuart Harrison


  • Vehicle arcs are based on the hull, see the diagram p104 – arcs are marked off the corners of the hull despite the turret being turned into the right side arc.


  • AoUS, p20, Army Special Rules, Air Superiority, second para, second sentence:

    “Resolve the first air strike as normal.  Then, after the first air strike has been resolved, the FAO may call a second.”

    An air strike hasn’t been resolved until it’s come in and it’s effects have been applied.


  • All vehicles roll on the damage results chart when damaged by shooting (no superficial damage benefit for soft skins as Andrew pointed out).  Soft skins and open topped armoured vehicles are destroyed any time damage is caused by infantry in close quarters, no roll on the damage results chart in that situation.

  • @Arty Gun – note the ‘vs HE’ at the end of my comment.  Like most tactical decisions, entering the building or not is situational.

  • You can’t combine forward and advance in one move.

    From the Errata:

    “Page 103, Reverse Moves paragraph. A vehicle can reverse
    straight backwards, without any pivots, at up to half its standard
    Advance rate unless it is a recce vehicle (see page 118). Vehicles
    cannot mix forward and backward movement in the same turn –
    either you move forward, o…[Read more]

  • The only thing I see wrong in what you said is that extra protection doesn’t apply vs HE – you don’t even get that benefit.

    You’re probably better off hiding behind the rose bushes outside (assuming you’ve agreed soft cover for them) than you are entering the building vs HE.


  • This is where you have to discuss your terrain with your opponent before the game and define that ‘ruin’.  The rules are never going to cover every possible structure.

    Examples for the same possible two story ‘ruin’:

    Ground floor counts as a building, top floor counts as an open roof with hard cover from the front and left sides.

    Counts as a…[Read more]

  • If they’re not mounted on horses then carbines are just rifles (unless the specific unit entry you’re using gives something different in it’s special rules).

  • As that FAQ is written, there appears to be no assumption of rolling your tough fighters separately at all – it’s just assumed that if you score hits, they’re most likely to have been the ones to do it (and that they’re the least likely to have been scared out of striking back).

  • Carbines are treated like a pistol when mounted and like a rifle when on foot.  Pistols and carbines are the only weapons that can be fired when mounted – p89, Unit Special Rules, Cavalry, fifth paragraph.

  • The second question has your answer:

    “Tough as boots vs Gurkha?
    The unit calculates its attacks (counting ‘tough as boots’), then it halves its attacks.
    Tough as boots, some with SMGs, vs Gurkhas? The unit calculates its attacks (counting Tough as Boots), then it halves its
    attacks, then the player can re-roll as many hits as there are tou…[Read more]

  • 1. Yes, and you’re looking for the wrong thing  with applying the pen value – can you find anything that suggests it DOESN’T apply in buildings?  You have a general rule that it applies, unless you have a specific rule that it doesn’t apply in that situation, it still applies.

    2. It’s not similar.  In case of the transport, the unit is not the ta…[Read more]

  • No.  There is no stacked advantage from having tough fighters via different sources.  That’s why most units with tough fighters built in get a discount on their SMGs – they’re only getting the shooting advantage, not any close quarters advantage.

  • The errata tells you why they can’t fire the weapons – the spotter rules specifically prohibit a spotter from shooting. ‘Spotters similarly cannot fire weapons and cannot spot while
    in the transport (extending to them the rules for HQs, whichcannot use their special rules while transported)’

  • Yes.  It’s covered p117, Vehicles, Transport Vehicles, Towing Guns, third para, end of the sentence ‘…, which will therefore not be able to carry any other troops until the artillery unit unlimbers.’ (first part is about an artillery unit taking all the space).

  • P99, Vehicles, Vehicles and Measuring Distance.  “… most distances are measured to and/or from the closest point of the hull of the model itself, including when firing the vehicle’s weapons.”

    That applies unless you see a specific exception.  None come to mind (doesn’t mean there aren’t any, just I haven’t had my first coffee of the day 😉 ).

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic LMG team? in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 8 months ago

    Most armies no, only within squads.  The Germans have an entry for a separate LMG team in a couple of Campaign books.

  • No.  Mortars and Machine guns are infantry, and more specifically for this rule, infantry support team weapons.  The weapons are not distinct models within the unit, even if you model them on their own bases.  See p35, Units, Types of Units for the definitions of infantry and artillery units – only artillery defines the gun as a model within th…[Read more]

  • The rule applies to units that ‘consist of either one or two infantry models’ – artillery units by definition consist of the gun model itself and a number of crew models, so it can never consist of one or two infantry models (the FAQ confirms that the intent of the term ‘consists’ as excluding anything else).
    “If I shoot at a unit of artillery…[Read more]

  • One passenger per additional weapon, so your example is correct.

    The rule you’re looking for is p114, Vehicles, Transport Vehicles, Role of Transports, third para – note the last part about the modifiers for the shot being dependent on the experience/pins of the model firing each weapon, so it matters which is the weapon you declare as fired by…[Read more]

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