Stuart Harrison


  • You’re not following what I’m saying.  The howitzer will have to rotate using an advance order, so will no longer be firing to it’s rear.  It’s the same as when it uses an advance to rotate and fire with direct fire, just there is no effect of the -1 to hit modifier due to indirect fire not using modifiers, only the ranging in process.

    “It’s the…[Read more]

  • It’s the weapon’s arc that dictates whether the weapon can shoot with a Fire order, or it has to use an Advance to rotate and bring the target into it’s arc.  The spotter’s position is irrelevant – so long as he has LOS to the target his LOS can be used by the weapon crew.

  • The howitzer can fire in it’s rear arc direct as well, it simply needs to use an advance order to rotate and fires at -1 ‘to hit’. p67, Weapons, Weapon Special Rules, Fixed, third para provides the provision for fixed weapons rotating and firing on an Advance order, p95, Artillery, Artillery and Shooting, Arc of Fire, first para shows this as…[Read more]

  • I’d say you’re playing it correctly.

    Fixed weapons make no distinction for indirect fire, nor does indirect fire include an exception to the fixed rule.

    Fixed weapons firing outside your arc requires that you rotate using an Advance order, normally with a -1 ‘to hit’ – indirect ignores modifiers, so that doesn’t affect an indirect shot once…[Read more]

  • @ Charles – The rule doesn’t specify when they dismount, just as a part of an Advance.  As they are a unit with a special rule, not a transport with passengers, I’d rule out getting 2 moves (1 before and one after the dismount).  As Bolt Action doesn’t do proportional movement (doing a portion of movement before the dismount at bike rate and the r…[Read more]

  • “The rules allows for motorcycle units to take a motorcycle with side . So when a motorcycle section/squad has a motorcycle with side car in it, so is it then treated as like motorcycle/sidecar operating by itself and uses the soft vehicles rules and needs a 6 to damage it.”

    No.  If it’s an infantry unit with the motorcycle rule it stays an…[Read more]

  • First point – don’t confuse infantry units with the motorcycle rule (ie: German Kradshutzen, AoG p22) and vehicle units which happen to be motorbikes/combinations (ie: German Motorcycle with Machine-gun Sidecar, AoG p71).

    Infantry with the motorcycle move like wheeled vehicles except they can make as many turns as you like.  They still take…[Read more]

  • Not sure how you are getting this.

    Top secret there are no units set up on the table – all units start in reserve. (last paragraph of set-up, MRB, p138)

  • Set-up heading, second sentence of the paragraph for second wave “It is kept in reserve and may enter from Turn 3 from any table edge.”

    Similarly in the para for third wave “It is kept in reserve and may enter from Turn 4 from any table edge.”

    In this scenario, ‘First wave’ is your on table deployment.  There is no true ‘first wave’ by normal…[Read more]

  • Can you give an example?  I haven’t read all the way through all the scenarios in the campaign books to have those particular ones come to mind.


  • First wave come on in the first turn and don’t need to roll.  Reserves come in from the second turn (except Top Secret) and do need to roll.  Ouflankers are a sub-set of reserves, can come in from third turn and do need to roll.

    That’s speaking generally – variations will be in scenario special rules (ie: Top Secret which treats turn 1 as if it w…[Read more]

  • The only mention I could find was in the new unit entry, Selectors row:

    “- The SAS Armoured Jeep is an Armoured Car for the purposes of the generic Reinforced Platoon selector from the Bolt Action
    rulebook and for all selectors featuring SAS infantry units”  If the selector you’re using has SAS infantry units, it’s covered by the text of the…[Read more]

  • First edition – cavalry got 3 attacks without lances, lances gave an additional attack per man meaning 4 attacks.  This was cut back in second edition – 3 attacks replaced with tough fighter, lances still give an additional attack.

    Always worth looking at the date on videos – still a lot out their from earlier editions, before an errata change etc.

  • OK, looking at that webstore entry, he’s overlooking a number of things.

    1.  The entry refers you to the Last Levy selector on p95 of AoG – that’s it’s page in AoG first edition, second edition it’s on p102-103.

    2.  It has a line ‘Official Update 29 Jan 2017′.  Campaign: Road to Berlin was released 21 November 2017 and is an official Bolt Ac…[Read more]

  • Which part of my veracity is he doubting?  The part where I quote the page number in Campaign: Road to Berlin for the Maus unit entry, the costs from that page and the selectors that entry tells you it can be taken in?  The special rules I cut and paste from Easy Army German generic reinforced platoon Maus entry after cross referencing with that u…[Read more]

  • Ask your opponent to show you the entry supporting the easy army Last Levy Maus.

    I think I’ve found what it’s based on, but if it’s this one it’s not only unofficial – it’s for K47!

  • The Maus is in Campaign: Road to Berlin, p112.

    costs are 464/580/696

    The only selectors it’s available in are the Generic Reinforced Platoon, and the Last Levy selector (the Gotterdamerung rule and the Last Levy fuel shortage rule are the same, you only roll once not both if using it in that selector).

    Special rules cut and paste from Easy…[Read more]

  • It would just follow the rules for a failed charge – it runs towards the Recce vehicle as far as it can get.  Nothing else happens with it, it’s kamikaze explosion only happens if it makes it into contact with the target vehicle, and you only get to consolidate from a close quarters combat you won, not from a failed charge.

    In effect, the recce…[Read more]

  • … or the one sentence that’s actually the rule in the paragraph be in bold (preceded by fluff, followed by example, both of which have been mistaken for rules).


  • Agree with Nat – “In other words they are allowed to make an advance move and if they don’t shoot then the Sissi can turn their dice to Ambush.”  They are on an Advance order up until the moment they decide not to shoot and turn their dice to Ambush.  That means they are not on an Ambush when moving, they can’t react by going down.

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