Stuart Harrison


  • Definitely sounds like you’ve transposed the two rules in your heads – unlike the infantry rule, the artillery rule doesn’t have a buy in.  You get it even if you haven’t paid for any artillery.

  • @Charles – “I thought vehicles got a half advance rate reverse move, and recce vehicles got a full advance rate reverse move, and dual direction recce vehicles got a full run rate reverse move?”  You are correct.  Also, most vehicles can’t manoeuvre going in reverse – it’s straight back, recce vehicles can manoeuvre as if going forward.

  • Question has been asked before, Alessio responded but it never made it to an FAQ.  Nat has it right and it’s measurement to the closest that determines whether minimum range prevents the shot, even if some models are out of minimum range.

    Post being responded to was by Joshua Cope, 21 April 2019, Bolt Action Facebook…[Read more]

  • Confused fight only applies to units moving on from reserve.  First Wave units are not in reserve, they are a separate category and exempt from rules that specify reserves (such as the order test at -1).  The scenario still requires picking of a side, a step which has no function if the first wave are not tied to a particular side.  You’d have to…[Read more]

  • @Steve T Re “However, mortars are Indirect firers so don’t need to use Advance orders to rotate,   as they don’t have a facing.]” – Not sure where you’re getting that from about fixed mortars (or any indirect fire shot) not needing an advance order to get a shot into arc.  They have the same requirements as any other ‘fixed’ weapons, they just…[Read more]

  • “a light mortar that can fire directly and is 10 points cheaper. But can move and fire” – should read ‘can’t move and fire’ – the 57mm M18 has the fixed rule.

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Vehicle Questions in the forum Bolt Action 1 month ago

    Re coaxial MGs on early Panzer IIIs, from the Errata for AoG:

    “Page 47, Panzer III (C, D, E, F). Add a second co-axial MMG
    and increase cost by +5pts. “

  • No joy on a quick search of my usual suspects, but I did find a couple of 3D printable STLs – if you can use that option, just cut at the waterline…

  • “counts as a heavy gun for the purposes of movement” – I’d say ‘heavy gun for the purposes of movement’ would require a tow capable of towing a heavy AA gun.  As it’s been defined as both an AA gun, and heavy, it would need something additional to that to vary those existing requirements.

  • ‘Shooters’ is models that can actually fire.  To shoot a model needs to be able to draw a line of fire (declare targets step) and within range (measure range and open fire step).

    Cover is given for the entire unit or not at all.  That is the entire reason for having to reach the 50% threshold.  You need to read the actual definitions of the co…[Read more]

  • Static vs Fixed looks like the spigot mortar entry is meant to reflect emplaced versions of the Blacker, while the AoGB entry is meant to reflect the mobile…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Handschar squad in the forum Bolt Action 2 months ago

    I don’t recall any particular unit entry for them, just the heads being included on the Waffen SS sprue.  The logical place for them to appear would be a theatre or campaign book dedicated to the Balkans theatre, but so far there hasn’t been one.

  • The only affect of pins on close quarters is requirement for an order test (attacker) and reduced effectiveness of reaction fire (defender).

    The why would require input from the author, but consider that in first edition the simple fact of getting into close quarters removed ALL pins from both sides – my guess would be the author’s intent was to…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Rules Questions in the forum Bolt Action 3 months ago

    @Eric, no, they cannot.  “Once per game, when the forward artillery observer unit receives a Fire order…” and “Once per game, when the forward air observer unit receives a Fire order…” – in both cases it’s specifically a Fire order (both also have ‘not from Ambush’ as an additional restriction).

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Dense Terrain in the forum Bolt Action 3 months ago

    Dense terrain is purely a line of sight definition.  Normally, you’d also declare it to be rough ground for a movement effect, but not always – example, smoke is soft cover and dense terrain – it doesn’t affect movement.

    There are three things to cover with terrain – Line of sight, cover, and movement.

    Does it block LOS?  Does it restrict LOS? (…[Read more]

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Rules Questions in the forum Bolt Action 3 months ago

    @Mark G – “The rules state that units only score if they are totally in a sector, ” – It then goes on to add “If a unit straddles across two or more quarters, it counts as in the quarter where the majority of it’s models are (or most of the model in case of one-model units) – if in doubt, of course, roll a die for it.” p148, Playing a Game of Bolt…[Read more]

  • As far as I can see, the order is lost – you have destroyed that unit to re-crew the artillery piece.  If you don’t want that, leave a man in the officer unit to keep it in the game.

    As for the personal weapons, you’ve converted them to artillery crew in an artillery unit that is bound by the team weapon rules – team weapon crew cannot fire…[Read more]

  • Dense terrain, you can see into our out of dense terrain, but you cannot see right through it.  This means a model in dense terrain can draw LOS to a model outside and shoot at them, but they can also have LOS drawn to them and be shot at in return.  Enemy shooting into the dense terrain will suffer the appropriate cover modifier unless the m…[Read more]

  • Correct.  Some tanks have the recce special rule, meaning you can have multiple recce vehicles in your platoon.  An example would be a US platoon with an M8 Greyhound in the armoured car slot, and either an M3 Stuart or M24 Chaffee in the tank slot.  There are also selectors allowing you multiple armoured car slots and other ways to get mu…[Read more]

  • It’s a unit of 1 dog handler with an option to add up to 3 more handlers to that unit, so they would all have to remain in formation.  It’s not a multiple selection special rule allowing you to field a number of units in a single slot (eg: US MMG team, Soviet AT teams, Japanese Suicide AT).

    The extra selection provision under selectors is purely…[Read more]

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