Bob D


  • Bob D changed their profile picture 3 years ago

  • Bob D replied to the topic Hold Fast Supplement – Tease! in the forum Black Seas 3 years ago

    That’s ok – no need to apologize!!!! Thanks very much for sharing what you do 🙂

  • Bob D replied to the topic Hold Fast Supplement – Tease! in the forum Black Seas 3 years ago

    Hi Nat


    From a non-Faecebook user – thanks for the info, and it is great to see some momentum for this great game and line of supporting models.

    However, I am not seeing the ‘better pic of the 2nd rate’ or those for the ‘modern’ merchants: is that just me (over a Safari browser)?

    I asked directly on the Hold Fast announcement page, but mus…[Read more]

  • Bob D replied to the topic Hold Fast Supplement – Tease! in the forum Black Seas 3 years ago

    Well, the Ottoman navy was not a smaller navy by any means: there were some quite large fleet battles against the Russians. My recollection was that the Russians used ‘normal’ ships, but heavily overgunned. The Turks, on the other hand, had quite different warships: wide with high sterns, thin skinned but consequently relatively fast, with hug…[Read more]

  • Bob D replied to the topic Hold Fast Supplement – Tease! in the forum Black Seas 3 years ago

    Hi Nat


    thanks for this. This sounds really good! I don’t have Faecebook so cannot see whatever has been posted there. Are there Ottoman ships as well? There should be as they were quite unique.



  • Bob D replied to the topic Bombers? in the forum Blood Red Skies 4 years ago

    Thanks for the reply. That is really good to hear! It is good to know that Warlord have plans like this for BRS, once the COVID mess has finally been brought under control.

    Stay safe and well


  • Bob D started the topic Bombers? in the forum Blood Red Skies 4 years ago

    Hi guys

    I know this is a mass fighter furrball game, but such things often happened around medium and heavy bombers. Are there any plans for Warlord to produce these planes?

    I know we have the Zvezda models, and I have them, but they are very limited and I far prefer the Warlord planes anyway. And I know we have Airfix, but I have no intention…[Read more]

  • Bob D replied to the topic ABOUT THE SPANISH NAVY FACTION in the forum Black Seas 5 years ago

    I do not see any Spanish bashing here. Nobody is bashing Spain because it is Spain, they are simply stating the historical record which was that, over the period of this game, the Spanish navy was a shadow of its former self and performed very poorly. I would add that this also applies to the domestic Army, but NOT to the colonial army which by…[Read more]

  • Bob D replied to the topic ABOUT THE SPANISH NAVY FACTION in the forum Black Seas 5 years ago

    @vetrarbreytin Sure Black Seas has islands, batteries and Martello towers. But it does not represent the land forces that did 99.9% of the fighting at Cartagena. You’d need Black Powder or some equivalent for that. But dude, if you fundamentally believe the Spanish are misrepresented in Black Seas rules, simply adjust them to your taste and e…[Read more]

  • Bob D replied to the topic ABOUT THE SPANISH NAVY FACTION in the forum Black Seas 5 years ago

    That was a land engagement, a siege that failed primarily due to disease, and was outside the time window of Black Seas, which in any case is a naval game. While important, it was hardly “one of the greatest victories ever made in the Age of Sail history”: sieges in that period failed more often than not, especially in the Carib and the Amer…[Read more]

  • Bob D replied to the topic ABOUT THE SPANISH NAVY FACTION in the forum Black Seas 5 years ago

    I’m sorry, but you are joking aren’t you? Yes it was economically a great win, but militarily surely not: I am sure you can easily replicate that victory (if you have enough ship models), given that the only British warships present (one first rate and two frigates) had already sailed away (with 8 of the merchantmen), so the fleet engaged by the…[Read more]

  • Brilliant job! I bought these same sets of planes with the idea of doing exactly the same thing, but never got around to it. Where did you find decals for the Nationalists? Painting circles is not a strong point…