Forum Replies Created
June 24, 2019 at 4:01 am #163847
ParticipantThe problem with having a 3 men team that you’re loosing on the +1 to hit for small team, I think most go with 2 men teams for the ‘defensive’ bonus. I run a 1st Lt+man with rifles, solo arty observer the +2 bonus saved my bacon once or twice.
June 23, 2019 at 6:57 am #163842Braddoc
ParticipantFor air/arty observers, have them armed with rifles so that they can take shots from a relatively safe location and maybe drop a pin the rest of the time rather than being a useless ‘dead’ dice after they used up their barrage or air strike. For the price they cost ‘might as well give them something more decent than a pistol.
Germans and co. could always use assault rifles instead; Brits got a free arty observer, and most metal models in HQ kits are armed with rifles already, saving you the trouble of making one.
June 20, 2019 at 7:57 am #163711Braddoc
ParticipantWell, the Western Desert book got Special rules for:
South Africans
Australians (Also in New Guinea book)And Canada…well according to the D-Day campaign book, ‘Just field your British Platoon with the ‘Tough as Boots’ special rule’ to get Canadians.
Gee, thanks…
February 24, 2019 at 1:10 am #155730Braddoc
ParticipantSea Lion and Gigant does not really had anything new in terms of units; of course if you consider floating and flying tanks as new units…
The real new units are the (very good IMO) Glider, units of the Brandenburg (spelling?) Commandos for the Germans. There is also some boats, barges and suchlike, and a sort of SPG like a Marder but with the chassis of a Hotchkiss tank with an overly complicaded German name.
The Western Desert offers new units, so does the Battle of France book (including the intresting Spathtruppen squad: 4-6 men no LMG, but they deploy as snipers/observers.)
February 18, 2019 at 4:55 am #155258Braddoc
ParticipantVery nice Camo! It is rare to see Autaumn camo as well, since most appears to do to dot or summer patterns.
February 14, 2019 at 6:09 am #155071Braddoc
ParticipantReminds me of the ol’ days when Dark Heresy came out and the coma (,) was seemingly an alien concept.
1-One platoon infantry/armoured MAX. You can take them from any book, including campagin books (for a thematic platoon rather than a generic one)
2-it states that the 750 and 1000 must be made from the ‘full’ 1250 list.
3-I’d assume so, I never heard of a tourney where one can change his list from game to game.
February 9, 2019 at 6:32 am #154765Braddoc
ParticipantMaybe why they addded this little detail to the special rules for the KRAFTRADSCHÜTZEN SQUAD entry in Battle of France;
Extra selection: you may take up to four Kraftradschützen
motorcycle and sidecars as one selection in each
reinforced platoon. Each vehicle must have the same
experience level and forms a unit with a single order dice,
operating like “transport units’, as presented on page 217 of
the Bolt Action rulebook (except for the lack of transport
rules). A maximum of one light mortar may be taken in each reinforced platoon, and no more than half of the platoon’s motorcycle and sidecars may be equipped with an MMG.Frankly, I see it as a single unit acting as a recce group. It’s a Gruppe, but it’s a unit, not 3-5 units.
(From Western Desert)
This unit can be taken as an armoured car choice for any 1942 Afrika Korps army selector. The Gruppe is composed as follows:
1 Aufklärungs Command Kübelwagen
1-3 Aufklärungs MG Kübelwagen
1 Aufklärungs KübelwagA unit, ‘Gruppe’ is just a fancy name for a squad of vehicule, so 1 die. Like a squad of infantry is a unit and you activate 10 guys with it, you don’t get 10 die per squad whatever happens or happened in the real world. ‘Else as a British player I would need a battery of 25 pounders rather than one to match historical accuracy. Of course that got somewhat taken care of via the National Rules.
(Boldness in the text was added by me)
February 9, 2019 at 5:06 am #154763Braddoc
ParticipantHey hey!
First let’s start about the Schuetzen part. I agree, the free LMG is ridiculous; now you got a 6 wounds LMG that can move and fire. I assume this is more to fit into mid-war in the Desert, when the doctrine changed a little and news from other fronts on how things are being played over there.
The only sour note (if you can call it that) that I see is that you cannot have a full 10 men squad, no AT grenades as well, which are really weak disadventage as you will cough up 14 shots downrange (10 at 36″ no less) while your standard 10men LMG squand only shoots 13 shots (with only 5 at 36′), so you win the shooting match even with having less bodies.
Only the LMG is allowed to shoot on an advance, I suspect due to the relative flat and open ground; good luck getting a decent burst while in some French Forest. Again, you get 7 men max in the squad over the usual 9, but the squad is really the same in terms of point value. The only thing is the added rule about shooting the LMG with an Advance.
BUT….it does say ‘DAK Kradschuetzen’ so it is not the same as your bog-standard Kradschuetzen troops. Again, I think this only has to do with the terrain and nothing else.Side note- MG34 LMG squads are 50 pts regular in WD, same as a MMG, but they can move and fire and loosing a single shot.
Battle of France; same unit, this time called German LMG squad, is 35 points regular…same thing two different names…As for tourneys, I know at my local scene they only accept Army-book units, so no concerns about having campaign specific units suddenly beating everyone. So it depends on your local scene.
But I agree with you, why go for worse when you get better, and get it cheaper?
Thought I am optimist, and thinking that they are writting down theater-specific units only to be more complete in terms of what happended in say Theater of War that cheap merchantile reasons.
I would put either units with a side note such as ‘Can only be taken as part of a Western Desert theater army selector from the campaign book or the Army Book.’
February 9, 2019 at 4:19 am #154762Braddoc
ParticipantLookin’ damn fine to me. I’d add some greent o the helmet for a more camouflage pattern look, but it is very much decent by itself
February 1, 2019 at 9:27 am #154412Braddoc
ParticipantI play British, and I tired them a few times , but they were always Green, in this case Home Guard units. I’d rather stick a truck with a machine gun, or AT grenades, a veterancy somewhere or even, yes a medic, than spend at bare minimum 35 pts for 5 guys with worse leadership, shooting abilites, and easier time to wound.
Green is really the only tipping point in favour of taking inexperienced troops in my opinion. But like Mike Titley said, roll a one and you end up with a wasted unit.
November 14, 2018 at 9:18 am #150023Braddoc
ParticipantI would say it would be a good move to add a Boys rifle option in the universal carrier kit.
Also, Warlord already makes a Loyd Carrier.