Warren Coleman replied to the topic Epic slowly moving backwards in time… What's next? in the forum General Discussion 2 years ago
An ancient or dark age period would be good but it would be quite restricted due to the way the miniatures are produced. It would need to be shield wall, Saxon, Viking may be Norman or ancient Roman but their opponents were usually in looser formations, Ceasar’s Civil Wars would be achievable as most of the troops would be close order…[Read more]
Warren Coleman started the topic 15mm in the forum Konflikt '47 2 years ago
With WG’s acquisition of the rights will they continue to release K47 in 15mm as CWG were planning to do?
Warren Coleman replied to the topic Diversifying my 18mm French Napoleonic Army in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
My ‘French’ are very diversified, in fact there are hardly any French at this stage lol
I’m basing my collection the Grande Armee of 1812, lots of allied armies. So far i have, Italians, Neapolitans, Baden, Westphalian, Polish and Saxon. Its a start lol
Warren Coleman replied to the topic DoW Horse Artillery in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Check out
It gives a fantastic OOB for the Grande Armee
I’m using this to build my 1812 armies, including DoW in 15mm, infact I’m using those very same 3d prints but obviously smaller.
From the OOB the 2nd and 14th Horse Artillery were attached to V Corps as Corps artillery. The 3rd and 4th…[Read more]
Warren Coleman replied to the topic Epic Black Powder in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
I would be happy with any of these…………..
Crimean War 1853-1856
Danish War 1864
Austro-Prussian War 1866
Franco-Prussian War 1870
………..or Carlist Wars……….
But I think the above reply is true, they would want it to be a popular period.
Warren Coleman replied to the topic Is Hail Caesar dying? in the forum Hail Caesar 4 years ago
I hope not, I love Hail Caesar and am patiently waiting for follow on supplements, especially Punic Wars and Alexnder/GreecoPersian Wars