Michael Davis

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  • #161678
    Michael Davis

    The Warlord Games campaign, no. I will, however, be using Cruel Seas as the lead in to the Battlegroup game I’ll be running June 8th. Basically, 16 LCMs rushing for Omaha Beach while shore batteries try to knock them out of the water. Each LCM that reaches the beach increases the Allies BR for the Battlegroup game.

    Michael Davis

    If you allow further criticals from a Torpedo Hit critical, why would you disallow certain other criticals?

    Many of these boats have torpedo tubes located right beside the Bridge. Seems logical the concussion and debris from such an explosion could ring the bells of anyone inside, if not wipe them out entirely.

    Same for all those Guns, Ammo, and Crew on the deck. All that shrapnel flying about would be indiscriminate about what it was flying towards.

    “BOOM! Here I come, right for your…Oh, sorry, didn’t see you were human. I’ll just hit that engine behind you, if you’d be so kind as to step a little bit to the… that’s it, thank you so much.”

    No, if you allow Criticals from Criticals, it’s an all-or-nothing situation. Doesn’t make sense otherwise.

    Michael Davis

    Looking at the dimensions of the R Boats, and the general weapon layout, I’d recommend using S-38s without the torpedoes. Should make a decent counts-as until an actual model is released.

    Michael Davis

    To save paint (or make use of any excess paint you prepped), after painting any brown bits on the model, thin the brown paint down with a good bit of water. You can now use that to add streaking, rust, and grime to little bits on the hull without having to break out the washes and shades.

    Michael Davis

    Interestingly, the F-lighter’s listed as Medium under Ship Sizing (p23), but Large on the Ship Roster (p95).

    Michael Davis

    Well, we middle-aged/older gamers have eyes that are effectively pre-squinted, so any additional squinting just dials it up to eleven.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Michael Davis.
    Michael Davis

    Good point on Air vs Naval training. The big difference in training involved would make the cost about the same. Thanks.

    Michael Davis

    And another I’ve learned the hard way: when using the Warlord’s painting guide in the Starter Set, reverse the first two steps. So much easier to paint the vertical surfaces after the decks, than trying to paint the decks cleanly between vertical surfaces.

    Michael Davis

    Magnetizing the S-38/S-100 is possible, but right at that edge of not worth it. 6mm magnet mounted inside the hull under the turret hole, then trim the turret peg, drill a 1mm hole, and glue a stack of 1mm and 1.5mm-2mm magnets. But adding the turret magnets can be a pain. It’s nice to be able to switch between the 37mm or quad-20mm on the S-100, but I think I’ll stick to gluing the quad-20mm to the S-100 and the 37mm to the S-38.

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