Carl E. Corrado started the topic Tables & Charts for periods other then WW2 or Korea in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Can some one point me to tables and charts created for periods between ww1 and ww2, army’s, weapon’s Ect.
Carl E. Corrado replied to the topic Why I don’t often buy from Warlord Games in the forum General Discussion 5 years ago
It’s not that I don’t buy from Warlord direct, as I have in the past. I prefer to buy from my local wargaming hobby shop to help support them and the overall local wargaming community in general. No shop; no gamming, at least that’s my thoughts.
Carl E. Corrado started the topic Problem with Osprey sign in in the forum General Discussion 5 years ago
Hi All;
I am having an issue logging on at the Osprey site, is anyone else having the same problem? Anyone know what the issue is?