Charge The Guns replied to the topic Epic ACW How much is enough? in the forum Black Powder 9 months ago
Hi Doug – sounds like you’re making good progress through your figures. I would recommend starting a few games as soon as you’ve enough for a couple of brigades for each side. This will help you get used to the rules and the special Glory Hallelujah rules. As you get more figures painted you can play bigger battles, which should be easier…[Read more]
Charge The Guns replied to the topic Unit Size question in the forum Hail Caesar 10 months ago
Hi Richard, Until the Epic release comes out we can’t be sure how they will model the manipular system. In the original HC army lists they give Republican legions small units and some special rules around swapping in and out of melee. We tried this and it was “fiddly”. We went back to regular sized units jyst the special rules for swapping th…[Read more]
Charge The Guns replied to the topic Absolute beginner questions in the forum Black Powder a year ago
Hi Paolo, all great questions! I will try my best to answer them.
1. When playing with 15s we halved ranges distances. e.g. Infantry move 12”/2 = 6”. Some people have also used centimetres rather than inches. As long as both sides do the same it is fine.
2. A stand has no official meaning – it is just wargaming short hand for a base with a…[Read more]
Charge The Guns replied to the topic Unit sizes for Colonials in the forum Black Powder a year ago
That should work fine, Donald 👍.
Charge The Guns replied to the topic Why are all the flags missing? in the forum Black Powder a year ago
Hi Hazed100, and welcome to Napoleonic gaming! 😀
As Nat has said, typically people source their own flags for units, because there are such a variety to choose from. Warlord sometimes include them in some of their sets, but more often than not you need to source them. Some people paint them themselves, but this can be quite tricky.
I really l…[Read more]
Charge The Guns replied to the topic Waterloo Epic – Brigade Orders in the forum Black Powder a year ago
Hi Steven. We try to stick with option 3 – based on what would seem reasonable for an order to group of battalions, for example. 2 just feels ‘gamey’ i.e. how would you give that order? 1 is at risk of players being a bit cheesey. It is a bit imprecise I suppose, and the group needs to agree how they want to work it to avoid argument and kee…[Read more]
Charge The Guns replied to the topic Hedges and Line of Sight in the forum Pike & Shotte a year ago
We usually play that you can’t target enemy troops with shooting unless next to the hedge, but that you can declare charges without needing to be next to them.
Charge The Guns replied to the topic "To Kill a King" and "Bad Blood" Rule in the forum Pike & Shotte a year ago
Hi Mark. Yes, I believe the ‘Bad War’ rule was meant to be used. I think that in the Covenanter’s list the rule is referred to as Bad War there.
Charge The Guns replied to the topic Imperial Roman in the forum Hail Caesar a year ago
Well done for getting the whole Legion done 👍.
I suggest you make the 1st cohort a ‘large’ unit as that will increase its stat line and it will be a suitably tougher unit compared to the other units in the legion.
Good luck fighting those barbarians. 😀
Charge The Guns replied to the topic new player with questions in the forum Pike & Shotte a year ago
Hi Tomasz, I think for ECW or TYW dragoons the rules expect them to stay as skirmishers whether mounted or dismounted. See the description on p 83 of the main rule book or p114 of the Epic P&S rule book. The information on changing formation (main rule book p28) certainly suggests some units can move from battle line to skirmish and back ag…[Read more]
Charge The Guns replied to the topic Epic 30 Year War additions in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
Hi Dennis – I’m not aware that Warlord have made any comment about Croats/Cossacks, yet. I suspect they would be in resin if they do them as I’m not sure they would go the plastic route for a troop type they might not sell very many of. Maybe they are waiting to see how many 30YW versions of the Epic stuff they sell first? You may need to lo…[Read more]
Charge The Guns replied to the topic Terrifying charge rule question in the forum Black Powder 2 years ago
I agree with Gary’s view – all makes sense to me 🙂
Charge The Guns replied to the topic Infantry/Artillery and Cavalry commanders in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
I think that the different types of commanders were devised on the assumption that often commands were composed of primarily one troop type, and that some armies had less or more effective commanders for either foot or horse. An example is the Ottomans where the infantry commander have a relatively poor 7 command, and the cavalry a better 8. T…[Read more]
Charge The Guns replied to the topic These Waterloo Boxed Armies make no sense! in the forum Black Powder 2 years ago
Hi John,
Very sorry to hear you are having a struggle getting started. I’ll take a pitch at trying to help with some suggestions.
I think part of the issue is that the rules aren’t very prescriptive about how you form units, brigades and armies as they wanted to be a flexible as possible. This is great for people with existing forces but of co…[Read more]
Charge The Guns replied to the topic new player with questions in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
You’re very welcome, Mark.
I’m glad you’ll be giving the rules another go – I definitely think they are worth it. The overall system is straightforward, especially as you’re already up to speed with HC. They are also very flexible and easy to tinker with.
Charge The Guns replied to the topic new player with questions in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
Hi Mark
If the musketeers are within 3” of the pike then they can provide support. Being able to provide support does not depend in anyway on the order a unit has received. Good luck 👍.
Hi Dave,
I think I’ve seen these before, but a good reminder and they are certainly a well thought through set of factors for using combined units. 👍
Charge The Guns replied to the topic new player with questions in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
Hi Mark,
Troops provide support based on their position relative to a combat. The orders they have received that turn are irrelevant – you don’t need to be given an order to support to provide support.
I wonder if perhaps the the section and Charging Units and Support Units (p62) is causing some confusion? I can see that the first sentence of…[Read more]
Charge The Guns replied to the topic new player with questions in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
Hi Mark,
You’re right (see p62 of main rules). The move of A’s musket blocks up to support the pike have to be a different order.
When you come to work out the result of combat ‘supports’ have to be within 3”. Note that supports don’t fight directly in the melee as they do in Hail Caesar, but instead give a modifier to the combat result. So,…[Read more]
Charge The Guns replied to the topic new player with questions in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
Hi Mark – great to hear that you are giving P&S a try 👍.
Great question and this can be a bit confusing because the answer is “yes”, ie you can play either way. Some prefer to fight the pike and shot units separately as different units, and some prefer to fight as a single, combined unit. In our group it varies depending on the size of game.…[Read more]
Charge The Guns replied to the topic Substantial Turf & Earth Bank in the forum Pike & Shotte 2 years ago
Hi Tomasz – I think it makes sense that earthworks etc. have the same effect as a building if they encompass a unit rather than just being a wall. Note that as well as proving the bonus buildings also mean you can’t claim Support from units as well.
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