Claire replied to the topic Lets see those planes! (Beware 512KB photo size limit) in the forum Blood Red Skies 4 years ago
I have this on one of the stands I built for BRS in 1/72 but don’t plan to do a whole squadron of them. There’s a little more about it on my blog:
Claire replied to the topic 1/72 Battle of Britain in the forum Blood Red Skies 4 years ago
I added a post on my first schwarm of 109s with some pictures. I won’t try to post a link here as that didn’t seem to work last time. But there are some thoughts on kits for Battle of Britain planes in 1/72 and pics (not great pics) of the 109s.
Claire replied to the topic 1/72 Battle of Britain in the forum Blood Red Skies 4 years ago
I put up a post on my blog about my first schwarm of 109s in 1/72 including some (poor) pics. There are some thoughts about kits also.
Hope this posts.
Claire started the topic Great War in BRS? in the forum Blood Red Skies 4 years ago
Has anyone looked at using this system for Great War? I’m not sure keeping the same “scale” and just using really slow planes would be the right approach, but perhaps rescaling it for Great War. Does anyone have any experience?
Claire replied to the topic 1/72 Battle of Britain in the forum Blood Red Skies 5 years ago
Test post. When I hit submit my previous post disappeared. It showed up as having posted, but there is no post there.