Caleb Fisher replied to the topic What do YOU want to see in Bolt Action v3? in the forum Bolt Action 9 months ago
An idea I recently had for templates is that you get a number of dice equal to the number of models you can cover with the template. You then roll to hit for each of those dice based on what you were able to cover. These dice would hit on 3s, ignoring cover, and would have whatever modifiers that would have normally been applied to the attack.…[Read more]
Caleb Fisher replied to the topic HE Pen and damage to units in buildings. in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
<p style=”text-align: left;”>I was thinking they did. I just wish it was explicitly stated that the hits apply the pen modifier when attacking units in a building. This is kind of why the issue came up in our game, since there was nothing explicitly saying so. It would certainly make buildings much safer.</p>
Also, I reread the medic rules, and it…[
Caleb Fisher started the topic HE Pen and damage to units in buildings. in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
This question came up recently after playing a game where this occurred, but I am not entirely sure on the answer.
When rolling for damage on a unit in a building hit by HE, does the HE pen modifier apply to the hits caused? I have always assumed it does, but I could not find anywhere stating that this is true for buildings.
I get that HE 2″…[Read more]
Caleb Fisher started the topic Disembarking into buildings + from reserves in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
I’ve been trying to look all over for any answers on this topic, but I can’t find anythi g that says otherwise. Here are my questions.
1. Can units disembark a transport and enter a building via a run? That being, can I advance a transport, then run the passengers all within 1 inch of a building entrance, and then enter said building all in…[Read more]
Caleb Fisher became a registered member 4 years ago