Caleb Fisher

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  • #190075
    Caleb Fisher

    An idea I recently had for templates is that you get a number of dice equal to the number of models you can cover with the template. You then roll to hit for each of those dice based on what you were able to cover. These dice would hit on 3s, ignoring cover, and would have whatever modifiers that would have normally been applied to the attack. This would help prevent completely whiffing on a single die roll, but it would still encourage players to spread out their troops. The only funny thing about this method is that it would still be just as difficult as it was before to hit single targets like tanks or infantry reduced to one man. This might make pinning with HE a little too easy though.

    Caleb Fisher

    I was thinking they did. I just wish it was explicitly stated that the hits apply the pen modifier when attacking units in a building. This is kind of why the issue came up in our game, since there was nothing explicitly saying so. It would certainly make buildings much safer.

    Also, I reread the medic rules, and it says heavy weapons, so it wouldn’t matter if the hits used a pen modifer or not during an attack, only that the weapon has a pen value to begin with. I think we’re good there.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Caleb Fisher.
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