coljacksimpson57 started the topic Bolt Action 3rd Edition "Armies of …" Digital in the forum Bolt Action a day ago
Any word on when the digital versions will be available? Being a yank of Scottish descent I am too cheap to pay the postage for paper copies again.
coljacksimpson57 replied to the topic V3 NEW platoon composition! Edit: and discussion apparently in the forum Bolt Action 6 months ago
Our group fights with a base company formation (usually infantry and using historical TO&E). We set the scenario rules so that the base company eats many of your points and only allows one or two supporting platoons (only one of which could be tanks). We never fielded the lone tank.
coljacksimpson57 replied to the topic HE hit on hidden target in building (Rulebook + FAQ) in the forum Bolt Action 6 months ago
As part of our group’s effort to avoid the 500′ captain, we do not allow firing indirect missions at hidden targets except planned (before deployment) indirect fire at positions that are written down beforehand, with the grid and turn of the mission. These are revealed at the appropriate time and fired. The position may, or may not be o…[Read more]
coljacksimpson57 replied to the topic Bazooka vs Bunkers/Tobruk, Artillery Positions & Infantry in Trench systems? in the forum Bolt Action 6 months ago
The reality was that anti-tank grenades, panzerfausts, and bazookas were used against machinegun and anti-tank gun emplacements at least as much as against tanks. The +1 to hit for the panzerfaust & bazooka, with the 1″ HE rule seems to work pretty well for our battles. Anti-tank grenade launchers were less accurate, so we fire them normally a…[Read more]
coljacksimpson57 replied to the topic v3 Known Changes in the forum Bolt Action 6 months ago
As for the +1 to hit for veteran troops, we experimented with that in our group last year and found that a veteran company with that rule plus Tough Fighter was just too powerful when matched against a regular company even when the regulars were given twice the points for support teams and tanks. What we settled on was earmarking two soldiers…[Read more]
coljacksimpson57 replied to the topic Dug In Rule in the forum Bolt Action a year ago
To take it a step further; if the unit is dug in in fox holes the normal rules for assaults would still apply (i.e., the assaulting unit would attack first). However, if the defender is dug in behind a sandbagged position a determination would have to be made before the game begins as to whether or not it is treated as an obstacle. A low sandbag…[Read more]
coljacksimpson57 replied to the topic What do YOU want to see in Bolt Action v3? in the forum Bolt Action a year ago
One solution would be to adjust the ranges to LMG: 30″, MMG: 36″ & HMG 42″. Having commanded a scout unit that had both MMG (M60) & HMG (M2 HB), I can tell you that the HMG’s longer effective range was very real and mattered. On the other hand, the developers often simplify things for game-play purposes – such as giving all rifles the same r…[Read more]
coljacksimpson57 replied to the topic Game scale in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
It is quite notional. Old timers in the wargames community know that increased realism equals decreased playability.
coljacksimpson57 replied to the topic Shaped Charge (panzerfaust, bazooka, etc) vs targets other than vehicles. in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
Great! That’s what we were looking for. thank you very much.
coljacksimpson57 replied to the topic no lmgs in folgore in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
The folgore squads in north Africa had the Breda LMG. I like to use historical OBs – and sometimes have to tweak the unit lists to facilitate this (i.e., a bazooka in a U.S. infantry squad and not as a separate team).
coljacksimpson57 replied to the topic different rules confused in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
One issue with the turret jam rule is having the gun jammed in the direction the shot came from. It makes more sense to have it jammed in the direction it was facing when the vehicle was hit (assuming your models have turrets that rotate). Good local rule to consider.
coljacksimpson57 replied to the topic Light morter in platoons in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
Task organizing was, and still is, a common practice in infantry units. An infantry platoon would often centralize its mortars into a single mortar squad to support the assaulting squads. Depending on the platoon’s mission such task organization would be made before the game starts. As WW2 progressed, some armies formalized the centralization o…[Read more]
coljacksimpson57 started the topic Shaped Charge (panzerfaust, bazooka, etc) vs targets other than vehicles. in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
I have been searching through the Bolt Action rules and scenario books for rules covering shaped charge weapons vs targets other than vehicles (artillery pieces, troops in buildings, machinegun positions, etc) and have found nothing. Am I missing something?
coljacksimpson57 replied to the topic Setup Recce in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
Some infantry scouts also get “Forward Deployment” in their special rules, but not vehicles with the RECCE rule.
coljacksimpson57 replied to the topic What do YOU want to see in Bolt Action v3? in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
Rules for shaped charge vs targets other than vehicles, such as artillery pieces, fixed weapon positions, infantry in buildings, etc.
coljacksimpson57 replied to the topic Mule Teams for the Japanese in Campaign: New Guinea in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Thanks, Master Chief. I made the mistake of ordering that with the pre-order for U.S. Sector D-Day book, so it will be a while before I have it.
coljacksimpson57 started the topic Mule Teams for the Japanese in Campaign: New Guinea in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
I am putting together my Japanese force for the First Battle of Kokoda and the transport available for the fixed weapons in the Army Selector is mule teams. The problem is that I can find no information about costs, special rules, etc in the Bolt Action Rulebook, the Errata, the Campaign: New Guinea book, or the Armies of Japan book. What am I missing?
coljacksimpson57 changed their profile picture 4 years ago
coljacksimpson57 replied to the topic Bolt Action Player Finder (North America) in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Amarillo, Texas