Simon replied to the topic Can Medic attendants shoot? in the forum Bolt Action a year ago
In the WW2 British Army Medical Orderlies were protected by the Geneva Convention and were permitted revolvers for self protection. Stretcher bearers, however, were normal soldiers with extra duties; they had no protection from the Geneva Convention and carried their normal weapons.
Simon replied to the topic Kit Bashing Figures – Easy Peasy or a PIA ? in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
They are metal; side cutters, craft knives and needle files were all deployed in the conversion. My review of some of their figures is here:
The figures are produced and sold by Badger Games of Mikwaukee.
I also replaced the hands holding the petrol bombs in one section of the Warlord Games…[Read more]
Simon replied to the topic Kit Bashing Figures – Easy Peasy or a PIA ? in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
I converted a Regiment Games Naval Party figure from a Bren gunner to a Boys anti tank rifleman -the gun came from the Bolt Action British desert sprue.
The pictures show him as converted and then painted, the latter has an officer and the sniper as well.
Simon replied to the topic Royal Navy Section in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
I have had a look at the Easy Army website for a Naval Landing Party army list, and I don’t agree with his version. I have written one here, and welcome comments.
Having said this I do find the Easy Army setup good, and reasonably easy to use.
Simon replied to the topic Royal Navy Section in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
“The Navy’s here!”
My naval landing party comprising two full sections, an anti-tank rifle team, a sniper and his number two, and a Lieutenant to lead them.
Simon replied to the topic Royal Navy Section in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
I did buy both of Regiment Games’ command packs (they are sold by Badger Games of Milwaukee) and a family member brought them back into the UK for me. Here is my review:
The figures are cleanly moulded with little flash (especially when taking the age of the moulds into account) and only needed a little attention with a needle file. The poses…[Read more]
Simon replied to the topic Royal Navy Section in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
I wrote a reasonable review for the Naval Section figures but Warlord Games haven’t uploaded it to the website. They’re not alone with this as other manufacturers haven’t either; in fact are there any reviews on Warlord Games’ website?
Anyway, here is my review of the Naval Section:
<p class=”western” align=”LEFT”>This is a set of ten metal…[Read more] -
Simon replied to the topic Royal Navy Section in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
My BA army includes two RN Sections at the moment; I cost them the same as for normal army sections, ie regular or veteran. The other gamers in my club are quite happy about this, as they are effectively the same as army sections, just in a different uniform. I’ve just managed to buy some RN officer figures, so they’ll have their own officers t…[Read more]
Simon replied to the topic Kit Bashing Figures – Easy Peasy or a PIA ? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
I was rather disappointed with the ‘Molotov Cocktails’ in the Naval Section set; they are petrol bombs, complete with wicks! My first move was to simply remove the wicks and paint the bottle tops red, but this made two of the figures look like sailors out on the razz on Unionstrasse* of a Saturday night. For my second set I replace two of the h…[Read more]
Simon changed their profile picture 3 years ago
Simon replied to the topic Warlord – Excellent Customer Service in the forum General Discussion 3 years ago
I would like to add my thanks to Warlord’s customer support; I had bought a British Army Support Group which was missing one of the 3″ mortar crew. A replacement figure was put in the post to me straight away.
Simon replied to the topic Community Introductions in the forum General Discussion 3 years ago
I am an old-school wargamer, having started back in the 1970s -my school had a wargames club. I’ve recently retired and have moved to Scotland; initially I wasn’t going to try Bolt Action as my current club only use the 28mm figures and my pension won’t quite support the cost, but I let myself be persuaded. I now have a section of British i…[Read more]
Simon became a registered member 3 years ago