

  • Hoping someone can clarify the Finnish Master of the Hunt rule. It reads:

    “Master of the Hunt: as very experienced hunters, the Sissi can move into an Ambush position. In other words they are allowed to make an advance move and if they do not shoot then the Sissi can turn their dice to Ambush.”

    In a recent game, I had a US medium howitzer in…[Read more]

  • Charles replied to the topic Shooting and Cover in the forum Bolt Action 2 years, 3 months ago

    Yes, at least that’s the way I read it and how we play it locally. Page 57 says shooters, not figures. The figures behind the building can’t shoot and aren’t shooters because they don’t have line of sight. Cover is worked out as to how it affects the eligible shooters and assuming the enemy squad is not in any cover. When the squad in the open…[Read more]

  • Charles replied to the topic Shooting and Cover in the forum Bolt Action 2 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks. That’s what I was looking for.

  • Charles replied to the topic Shooting and Cover in the forum Bolt Action 2 years, 3 months ago

    This would make a difference only when the target is in the open. If 50% of the target is in cover, then what I’m asking is irrelevant.

    Here’s what recently happened. A 5 man enemy infantry squad was completely in the open but had gone down. My US 9 man infantry squad armed with 8 rifles and a BAR moved up to a stone wall in short range with 1…[Read more]

  • I just noticed in the Cover section on page 57 in the rules that if 50% of the shooting figures fire through cover, then all shots from that squad take that modifier. We had been calculating this by figure. For example, if a 10 man squad fired, then those that had an open shot didn’t take the cover modifier. I also notice they use the word…[Read more]

  • Charles replied to the topic HE Template Overlap in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago

    Thanks! That’s exactly what I was looking for.

  • Charles started the topic HE Template Overlap in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago

    This has probably been discussed before, but I’m not seeing it. I also don’t see an easy way to search old forum posts, so that’s a second question if anyone knows how to do that.

    My question here is what happens when a vehicle gets hit by an HE template. In a recent game, a tank was hit by a heavy howitzer with a 4″ template. There was a second…[Read more]

  • Also, does this sound right? If a flamethrower scores a hit on a vehicle. For example a 7+ armored car. The vehicle takes D3+1 pins. Let’s assume it takes the maximum 4 pins. You then roll a D6 for number of hits and roll a 6. You now roll 6 D6 for penetration starting with a penetration of 3 plus 1 for top armor and roll 6 4’s and all penetrate…[Read more]

  • Stuart. Thanks for the clarification. I see now it doesn’t say one hit per vehicle in the rules. We just assumed the HE rule applied. I find a flamethrower usually knocks out a vehicle just on the morale check after inflicting D3+1 pins. If it also getsD6 hits and chances of penetrating, that’s pretty scary.

  • We thought it was 1 hit against a single target with a damage value of +3 for a flamethrower with a +1 for top armor. In other words, 1D6 roll with a penetration of +4 to see if you can penetrate the armor value of the vehicle that was hit.

  • Charles replied to the topic US InR Platoon OB in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 5 months ago

    I can see what everyone is talking about with the limitations of the InR officer. It still seems odd that the Battle of the Bulge campaign book introduces the US InR Platoon with a paragraph discussing InR only platoons and how they actually fought on occasion and how the InR Platoon HQ would act as intelligence officer while also leading the…[Read more]

  • Charles replied to the topic US InR Platoon OB in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 5 months ago

    If I build a regular US platoon following the Battle of the Bulge selector and just attach an InR officer to the officer unit, does that count as an InR unit for the purpose of allowing the bazooka jeep selection?

  • Charles replied to the topic US InR Platoon OB in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 5 months ago

    It’s sounding like I have to have a regular platoon before I can then have an InR platoon or just pick one random InR unit to be able to get the bazooka jeep. Seems like I should be able to build an InR platoon as the campaign book discusses that, but the way the selectors are set up, I can’t unless it’s attached to another platoon. Does that…[Read more]

  • Charles replied to the topic US InR Platoon OB in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks. I didn’t see the FAQs on that before. I’m trying to build an ob for an upcoming game and want it to be “legal” I want to add a small infantry platoon to a tank platoon following a Battle of the Bulge theme. For the infantry platoon I was considering the following.

    1 InR HQ of 3 men

    2 InR Squads of 9 men

    1 Twin Bazooka InR only jeep

    1…[Read more]

  • I’m putting together a US InR platoon using the Battle of the Bulge campaign book and have a few questions.

    Would 1 InR Platoon HQ and 2 InR Squads count as the required minimum units for a platoon or are they only in addition to another officer and squads?

    The InR Platoon HQ unit says 1 regular officer and 2 riflemen for 50 points. A normal…[Read more]

  • I’m just guessing, but what sounds reasonable to me is once all dice are played that turn, any unit in ambush wishing to try to shoot puts its die in the bag and draw. If your unit in ambush gets shot at first, it can pull its die to go down as a unit in ambush could have gone down. A unit in ambush that doesn’t put its die in the bag can also go…[Read more]

  • Charles started the topic WWI Bolt Action in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 6 months ago

    Thought I’d share something I put together a few years ago as a supplement to allow WWI gaming with the Bolt Action rules. We played them a few times locally, and they seem to work well. Let me know if you try them out.

  • I wanted to share my latest project for my DAK platoon. I found a Solido 1/43 scale Mercedes on Ebay. I know it’s not exact, but since it’s a 2 door, the length is probably not too out of scale. Passengers are from Company B. The truck and MMG car are also from Company B and the motorcycle is Warlord. The truck is as it comes. I had to do a bit of…[Read more]

  • Charles replied to the topic The 1 inch rule in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 7 months ago

    I believe the intent of the rule is to keep a large enough gap so units don’t get mixed up. As long as we can do that, local gamers here don’t get that picky about it. But this would be up to you and your opponent.

  • Charles replied to the topic Motorcycle Squads in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 7 months ago

    That would help. If it’s a reasonable reading of the rules that motorcycles are basically infantry, and that motorcycles can advance 12″ and dismount in place as part of that advance, and that they can also fire that turn as infantry are allowed to fire as part of an advance move, that could make them work. A squad entering from reserves could run…[Read more]

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