Andy Watkins started the topic Aircraft queries – shooting with and at in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
Played a couple of games without aircraft, going ok
Decided to try a solo carrier game to see what happened
I ran into a lot of questions I could not find the answer to
1) Dogfighting – I believe both sides are just rolling 1D6 so a 1944 Japanese Zero with +3 and a Corsair with a +4 dogfight will result in a lot of dead Zeros?
If the C…[Read more]
Andy Watkins replied to the topic A few rules questions in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
Thanks for the responses, I like to know exactly how to play a game and the rules do gloss over one or two circumstances 😀😀
Andy Watkins replied to the topic A few rules questions in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
Thanks I will do that
Andy Watkins replied to the topic A few rules questions in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
Thank you for that, very helpful
Andy Watkins replied to the topic A few rules questions in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
Great thanks for thar
Andy Watkins started the topic A few rules questions in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
Hi Guys,
Just a few questions that have come up.
Aircraft apply all modifiers except range. Torpedo bombers hit on a 5+ does that mean you add a further +2 because they are firing torpedoes, needing 7+ to hit?
Do you apply the silhouette rule?
Am I right in assuming that ALL deep deployed carriers can deploy all their aircraft straight away or…[Read more]
Andy Watkins started the topic Strontium Dog – Campaign – weapons upgrades in the forum 2000 AD 5 years ago
As far as I can see you may purchase better weapons for your “allies” for just 1 battle and they are then lost.
It looks as though the starting band you set up can only ever have the weapons they start with.
Can you buy them better weapons when you 1st recruit them.
can you upgrade their weapons during the campaign?
Andy Watkins replied to the topic First paint and rigging job: British Frigate and Brig in the forum Black Seas 5 years ago
That is a really nice neat job you have done there. Mine are a bit more basic!
Andy Watkins started the topic Strontium dog rules questions – points values in the forum 2000 AD 5 years ago
Guys, in the book it says johnny Alpha costs 22 notoriety and then list 2 hand guns with a notoriety value. Are these included in the 22 notoriety or on top of?
When rolling up allies for a campaign and selecting SD agents it says the ally is allowed 1 mutation, is this free or do you have to pay extra for it?
Most blast weapons are “aimed fire…[Read more]