Brandon Wilson


  • For the sake of integrity, I should mention that the calculations I made assumed that the defender only had 1 AA die.

    Once you have more AA being fired at you, the gap between the two planes closes, but not by much.

    For example, if we go from 1AA to 4AA, the survivability of the bomber only goes up another 12% relative to the torpedo…[Read more]

  • For the sake of integrity, I should mention that the calculations I made assumed that the defender only had 1 AA die.

    Once you have more AA being fired at you, the gap between the two planes closes, but not by much.

    For example, if we go from 1AA to 4AA, the survivability of the bomber only goes up another 12% relative to the torpedo…[Read more]


    So I applied a little game theory to this, and discovered the following:

    A bomber with 3DD can expect to deal 0.5 damage per attack against an armor value of 4.

    A torpedo-bomber with 4DD and the Devastating trait can expect to deal 4.67 damage per attack against ANY armor value.

    Considering the Swordfish variants, the torpedo bomber has…[Read more]

  • I had a question specifically about Long-Lance torpedoes.

    In the beginning of the section for the IJN fleet, it says that “Any ship with the Slow-Loading trait for their Long-Lance torpedoes may only reload them once during the entire battle” (pg 233). How is this different from Slow-Loading for other torpedoes? Slow-Loading trait specifically…[Read more]

  • Great! Thanks for the response. I assume when you get any answers you’ll post them on this forum?

  • I have been comparing points values for some aircraft, and I don’t understand where the balance is. I hope that I have missed some rule that would help explain the discrepancies. Thank you in advance for any clarifications.

    The Fairey Albacore has two variants, bomber and torpedo-bomber. Same speed, same dogfighting, same year, same points cost.…[Read more]

  • Brandon Wilson became a registered member 3 years, 4 months ago