

  • Nat started the topic What am I thinking! in the forum Black Seas 5 days, 4 hours ago

    So … I always like the idea of a complete formation rather than just a few units…
    And I like the idea of sailing boats
    Plus for some strange reason I end up playing Russians in every historical system!

    which means the MADNESS of the Russian Fleet in the Eastern Med 1805-1807…. all 42 ships! (16 being 2nd and 3rd rates)… But has the upside…[Read more]

  • pretty much yes.
    LMG, 2 man crew, inside a squad
    MMG, 3 man crew, fixed weapon, a unit in its own right.

  • Nat replied to the topic HE on multiple units / pin in the forum Bolt Action 3 weeks, 1 day ago

    IF (and its a big if) multiple units are hit by a HE template then yes all units hit will receive the pins.

    Note you roll the D2/D3 for each unit.

    Example a 4″ HE hits a unit of 3 models, you place the center between 2 of the models making sure that all 3 are hit by the template (so meeting the requirements for placing the template) and you…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Command Vehicles in the forum Bolt Action 3 weeks, 4 days ago

    Now things that WL DONT say … is can you take 2 (or more) command vehicles in a single platoon… Or are you limited to 1 only?
    How do command vehicles that are transports work in regards to infantry platoon commanders who are limited to 1 per platoon?  Are they allowed in addition, do they replace the need for the platoon commander or cant be taken?

  • You have 3 states of objective in Bolt Action
    Secured (completely controlled by one side or other)
    Contested (aka un-secured but predominently controlled by one side or other)

  • Contesting is another way of saying that your forces havent secured the objective completely.

    The problem is actually WHAT is the objective other than just a marker /made up game point – a VIP… well someone /something that can bump them off would be a problem to the securing unit
    A cross roads – a single person with a grenade can block it by…[Read more]

  • Yes, if LoS is not mentioned in the relavent rules for taking, holding or contesting objectives then there is no LoS requirements.

    Although its worth noting that in some senarios vehicles can contest by not take or hold objectives.

  • Nat replied to the topic Command Vehicles in the forum Bolt Action 1 month, 1 week ago

    French have at least one… which is a soft skin with zero transport capacity.

  • Nat replied to the topic Command Vehicles in the forum Bolt Action 1 month, 1 week ago

    @Stuart – fair…. shows how much I use it :p (to wit – I dont… normally forget which tank IS my command vehicle!)

    @capt Scarlett – cant find it now 🙁  … wondering if it was a Warlord one now :/

  • Nat replied to the topic Command Vehicles in the forum Bolt Action 1 month, 1 week ago

    They cant receive orders from platoon commaders, as they count as platoon commanders for issuing and receiving orders, but can from company officers. (pg 149 and 113)
    As a comander they CAN give their +1 morale to infantry… (there’s nothing stating that they are limited to giving morale to vehicles so therefore the default rules of morale being…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Command Vehicles in the forum Bolt Action 1 month, 1 week ago

    Eg my current Soviet platoon is
    1 x T60
    2 x BT7
    1 x T34/85

    None of these have the command vehicle option so I have to upgrade one of them to be the platoon commander for +10 points.

  • Nat replied to the topic Command Vehicles in the forum Bolt Action 1 month, 1 week ago

    So this isnt very clear in the rulebook BUT was clarified on Facebook & in one of the articles …

    For armoured pltns:
    If you include a vehicle that has the command vehicle trait then they are automatically the platoon commander.
    If you dont have a command vehicle in your list you MUST upgrade ONE to be a command vehicle even if it doesnt…[Read more]

  • Updated VMF file…

    & updated wardroom errata which adds a few ships to existing nations…

  • Despite the name, this is a balance pickup game checksheet

    You can choose which of the entries you dont want to use when organising your game /tournament.

  • 2nd part of the points chart

    posting here as it has ABDAflot as its own national roster for gaming.

  • Nat replied to the topic Lanchester 6×4 AC in the forum Bolt Action 1 month, 1 week ago

    *Hopefully* when the Armies of book is released in July (armies of GB) they’ll put the v2 errata back in that fixed this!

    Basically it looks like they copy and pasted the original v2 entries when they wrote the v3 rulebook, and so reverted a number of units (including the Lancaster armoured car) back to the original incorrect entries!

  • I’d go with two in a single turret as theres nothing to tell us to add a second turret.

  • …. <dolt>… for some reason I had it that they were difficult terrain by RAW.. ooops!

  • So the reason is that RAW isnt clear… because its not stated exactly… because BA ISNT written as a water tight competitive system…so my take on the situation is this:

    1) Yes – there is (as far as I can remember) no where that stats Towing a gun over rides the terrain that the tow vehicle can travers.

    2) Yes – there is no restrictions as to…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic TANKS IN AMBUSH in the forum Bolt Action 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    because turret jam exists…
    you are already limited on what type of round you load when you go into ambush
    you are limited to one ambush reaction
    its a game of the hollywood film not the historical documentry


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