

  • Nat replied to the topic General doubts in the forum Victory At Sea 1 year, 7 months ago

    1. … Warlord have said you go by FAQ then rulebook, then the cards (IIRC its 450!…. yes warlords points are abit off in places…)
    2 … Subs have 4(!) depths – surfaced, submerged, running deep & hidden – to keep teleporting subs to min hidden is to the grid square/sector – check out the subs 101 file I’ve uploaded in this thread…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Manhandling Artillery in the forum Black Powder 1 year, 8 months ago

    TBH the move and fire ability of Manhandling guns is the only reason to use it!…. so never on horse artillery

    Also any heavy /seige artillery cant be manhandled.


  • I’ve recently started alternative armies for BA in 15mm. (Flames of War).  Base them on metal washers as it stops them falling over.  I went for 15mm diameter. 10mm clashes won’t fit on lots of the smaller figures built in bases, and 20mm just leaves them looking too spread out. For a mortar or MMG team, I use regular BA single-man base.

    Just c…[Read more]

  • Greg, I would edit your post ASAP to take out that email if you still use it, or every single internet bot will be spamming you soon.


  • If you read through the special rules section you  will see that some are recommended for veterans. In particular Elite 4+ which allows them to remove disorder on a D6 4+ and Reliable which adds 1 to the command test, making them move more often and further. It is really up to your particular scenario.

  • Sergio

    Mixed formation can be either lines or columns this is clearly stated in the rules for mixed formations



  • Nat replied to the topic Firing from Building in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 8 months ago

    1 – yes, 2 from each openeing
    1b – I’ll need to double check… but I think normal targeting rules apply … ie doesnt matter which side of the building you are looking out of, but you have to all target the same thing unless you have a 1 shot (or limited shot) weapon – or Indirect, but thats a different issue :p

    2 – short answer is HE ignores…[Read more]

  • From a rough reading I can agree.

    But for the same reason then a fixed weapon (MMG or mortar) cannot be moved in rough terrain because it only moves with a RUN order (according to the rulebook).
    Reading the FAQ / Errata (where it is said that a fixed weapon moves with RUN order in rough terrain but only 6”), I understand that by extension a unit…[Read more]

  • Charge The Guns replied to the topic Supports in the forum Black Powder 1 year, 8 months ago

    Hi G, supports is one area that always causes our group confusion when we move between BP and P&S. here is our take on your questions.

    a. In BP you can issue a brigade order to charge and support, but you can’t in P&S.

    b. You’re right, in both sets, only the main unit that charged can sweeping advance.

    c. Same for both sets again. Only the uni…[Read more]

  • thanks for the clarifications

  • The round badge with a pip was really the Ober…….   But hardly ever used with that  term Obersoldat.  It was Oberschütze, Oberjäger, Oberkanonier and so on.


    Hardly enough on the sheet for all uses, incl. the trade badges. So a Oberfunker needs two.


    The chevrons are for Gefreiter, Obergefreiter and Stabsgefreiter.   ~  Corporal…[Read more]

  • I found some answer, I put here if can help others:

      <li class=”_3gqTEjt4x9UIIpWiro7YXz”>
      <p class=”_1qeIAgB0cPwnLhDF9XSiJM”>and 2. Reich color only used on green helmets (right hand side) and Reich Eagle (left hand side) Discontinued around 1940 – 1942</p>

      <li class=”_3gqTEjt4x9UIIpWiro7YXz”>
      <p class=”_1qeIAgB0cPwnLhDF9XSiJM”>Obersoldat…

    [Read more]

  • In 25th army in Malaya most taken from shops and civilists got painted olive.


    The Japanese made ones had been painted olive or in a light yellowish brown.  They stayed at home to hide the plans for invasion, saving space on ships  and increase landing speed.  Normally the army cyclist units had homemade ones.

    They had special types, in…[Read more]

  • Similar to HM forces German Heer used trade badges. These small round badges denoted special abilities or jobs.  Normally worn on right forearm.


    Like radio operator, Farrier, ordnance, Feuerwerker and some more.  In 28 mm the yellow sign on the green would be hardly different.  Gothic F or S for example….  SS had similar but on black.

  • Hi,

    can you help me with german grenaiere decals? I’m doing grenadiere 1944 (6 june 1944 Normandy to january 1945)


  • Key point here  – “Japanese were particularly known for their use of bicycles (generally stolen from the local population) of which the campaign in Malaya in 1942 is perhaps the best example.”

    They werent gernerally issued, but stolen … so any dark colour or hastly re-painted with tank /truck paint /mud etc would work…. I’d go for a mix of…[Read more]

  • The answers are 99% correct, 100% for the rules but the often written  Geneva Convention thing  is wrong.  In real world medics and hospitals are just limited to self defence and defence of the wounded.

    So  a military doctor, being an officer, wore in many armies  a pistol (or even sword like British on parade) .  Hospitals had rifles and often…[Read more]

  • OK yes understood. Your interpretation of the rules is correct according to the rules as written which determine it as a clear target because the leader model at the centre of the firing unit can see more that half of the target unit’s frontage.

    The leader model is used for determining visibility to speed up the game, but in this example it…[Read more]

  • Just a quick point… Easy Army is a 3rd party tool – made and maintained by ONE guy… if you email him he’ll sort out any list issues.

    However to answer your question.. when a new unit is said to be added to an existing selector it should go in both the compulsary & optional squad choices unless stated otherwise (normally by saying 0-x can be…[Read more]

  • Just seen this. The maths is interesting for nerds like me. If it is an clear shot the unit fires 3 dice getting an average of 1.5 hits (on 4+), an unclear shot gives it 1 hit (on 5+), if you reduce dice to two dice with a clear shot it gets 1 hit. To be extra nerdy, probably only 1 dice has a clear shot and 1 dice an unclear shot which gives 0.5…[Read more]

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