

  • theres several possiblitys….

    1)  note 1 shouldnt be there – its a version of the Corp cavalry brigade left in by bad proof reading
    2) note 2 should say half of the brigades in the divison should be line light
    3) they are trying to say that no more than half of the divisions cavalry can be dragoons, however you do it.

    Personally I’ve gone…[Read more]

  • Page 121  French Army design list

    In the cavalry brigade box it says both of these things, which I think contradict each other?

    (1) Note: all regiments in a brigade must be the same class i.e. medium or light.

    (2) Note: up to half of all regiments in a brigade must be Line Light

    In my understanding it means if I choose to have 2 regiments in…[Read more]

  • You’re very welcome, Mark.

    I’m glad you’ll be giving the rules another go – I definitely think they are worth it.  The overall system is straightforward, especially as you’re already up to speed with HC.  They are also very flexible and easy to tinker with.

  • Hi Mark

    If the musketeers are within 3” of the pike then they can provide support.  Being able to provide support does not depend in anyway on the order a unit has received.  Good luck 👍.

    Hi Dave,

    I think I’ve seen these before, but a good reminder and they are certainly a well thought through set of factors for using combined units. 👍

  • Hi Mark,

    Troops provide support based on their position relative to a combat.  The orders they have received that turn are irrelevant – you don’t need to be given an order to support to provide support.

    I wonder if perhaps the the section and Charging Units and Support Units (p62) is causing some confusion?  I can see that the first sentence of…[Read more]

  • Hi Mark,

    You’re right (see p62 of main rules).  The move of A’s musket blocks up to support the pike have to be a different order.

    When you come to work out the result of combat ‘supports’ have to be within 3”.  Note that supports don’t fight directly in the melee as they do in Hail Caesar, but instead give a modifier to the combat result.  So,…[Read more]

  • Hi Mark – great to hear that you are giving P&S a try 👍.

    Great question and this can be a bit confusing because the answer is “yes”, ie you can play either way.   Some prefer to fight the pike and shot units separately as different units, and some prefer to fight as a single, combined unit.  In our group it varies depending on the size of game.…[Read more]

  • This comes from Clash of Eagles pp.96-7. The formation deploys half the bases in skirmish order rather than a third, and each base seems to get a shot, which seems a bit excessive given half the unit can’t fire.

  • SteveT replied to the topic Epic and formations in the forum Black Powder 1 year, 7 months ago

    Thanks, Mike.

    It occurred to me that if bases were mounted so that one strip could be removed , 2 bases would be able to make a perfect square…


  • points list with the new L & M class ships costs included

    plus a number of unofical discord stated Dutch ships ….ready for when they are uploaded

  • SteveT replied to the topic Epic and formations in the forum Black Powder 1 year, 7 months ago

    Cheers. I had wondered about keeping 1 strip removable , that would allow even 2 bases to make a square..



  • In Epic , how are people handling units going into squares that have less than 3 strips?



  • For anyone who might be having similar problems, the best approach I found was black undercoat, then blocking colours on afterwards.

    Results were quite acceptable even to a critical like me.

  • Nat replied to the topic Game scale in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 7 months ago

    Its a relative / moving gaming scale – aka arbortary distances.

    Now what I mean by that is that there is no time frame for an order so therefore there is no relation of speed so distance people move is flexible (think the difference between a T34 and a KV1, but both move 9″ an order in game).

    Also weapon ranges … a Lee Enfield rifle has a…[Read more]

  • The problems with woods in games are old, as old as modern wood farming post WW II.  It starts with wrong ideas about woods being a light problem for movement and vision.


    Modern men are used to the cleaned industrial woods of today.  Hardly any undergrowth.  Like city parks.  WW II was fought in old style woods.  Some thick undergroth was norm…[Read more]

  • Well, You gave te answer yourself.

    “…..for years and year…”


    I’m sure You use the standards with small scales,  like much stronger color differences than in reality.    The merge in a mess  thing can be seen with 1/1 scale real items at a distance. A 15 mm is like a real human in a long distance.


    I’m lucky, even with 60 I need no opti…[Read more]

  • I got some Napoleonic Epics and tried painting them. But found my eyes could not cope. I tried using a 1.75 x magnifier and still hard. They just don’t look right, what details I painted become so small as to just merge into a mess.

    I used to paint 6mm and those seemed easier — I think its because  Epic scale is small but still large enough to de…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Foreign Legion in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 7 months ago

    Are you using a generic platoon or a specific TL from a campaign book?  if so which one?

    Are you just using FFL squads or are you putting FFL crew on weapon /artillery teams?

    But going off the Free French TL from the western deset
    1 x vet 1st LT + bodyguard
    1 x 6 man legion squad (3 SMGs & VB launcher)
    2 x 6 man legion squd + pistol legionnaire…[Read more]

  • See if you can get a copy of firefight (Academey of Street Fighting – Bolt Action:firefight on the Warlord store)- which is the half a dozen models aside version of Bolt Action.

  • I am toying with the idea of getting the Epic scale Napoleonic.

    Looking at the standard way they supply infantry I cannot really see how they would form squares, or allow many changes in formations such as line vs column unless each regiment was made of many bases. I read some people cut each strip of infantry in half. Is that realistic? I…[Read more]

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