

  • So if you roll equal or lower than the current crit level then nothing happens.  So if you roll a 3 and the ship already has a 4, then its zero effect (except for the base damage).

    Yes IJNs fan torpedo rule is VERY strong … its a single dice in place 6-12 AD, but its a straight 6 to hit no re-rolls or modifiers!

    And yes flights hit on their…[Read more]

  • Torpedoes all have Devastating rule –

    That means you dont try and beat the armour like normal damage – its always D6 – Torpedo belt number (if applicable).  Then IF you roll a 5 or 6 you get to roll again… if the second roll is a 4 or more then yes you’ve scored a critical.

    As confirmed by the FAQ, whe you roll for what level of critical you…[Read more]

  • ah been reminded… (take out the spaces….)


    https:// justlasered. co. uk/ shop/victory-at-sea-tokens-full-set/

  • Thank you Mike and Arcole

  • you can photo copy /cut out the page at the back of the rulebook that has the tokens on…

    Personally I’m using an old Dystopian Wars 45deg movement tool – doesnt matter what you use so long as it limits the turn of the ship to 45.
    As for the other tokens they are just reminders, so a small puff of smoke or something like the  BA or CS pin…[Read more]

  • could be done in several ways –
    1 box of everything – 1 box to rule them all
    1 box of each type – 1 for eqipment, 1 for doctrines etc
    1 box of the cards found in one nations aircraft boxes – eg 1 box that has all the Russian squadron & Ace box cards
    or 1 box of every card NOT found in a nations boxes – eg the Russian box has all the cards that…[Read more]

  • Its a trade off, you lose a small amount of recovery ability (remember you can only recover 2 flights a turn IF you use a scramble order & dont launch any flights) but gain the defensive ability of not being targetable except by enemy flights.

    As per the WL FAQ, you dont give up any VP for being in Deep Deployment… so you opponent HAS to have…[Read more]

  • Thank you, Mike. I found that sentence in the rules after you mentioned it.

    Here is another question. What if the winner in combat is also shaken? I read nothing that it has to make a break test. Only the loser.

  • Hello,

    First time this happened to me today. I had a single infantry battalion in line formation charge and make contact with an enemy cannon and an infantry battalion. It is exactly like the example on page 63 of the BP2Ed rules.

    So, here is the part I couldn’t figure out. I know that when attacked by two units a defender may divide up their…[Read more]

  • Garry Wills replied to the topic Proximity rule in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 1 month ago

    The proximity rule is straightforward, the French grenadiers need to move into either their forward or rearward quarter (see p.24), the number and position of the Austrians doesn’t matter other than them being within 12 inches. The key point in this example, is that the grenadiers would have to charge the Jagers,  (you cannot contact them without…[Read more]

  • They didnt include 100% of any nations ships… (RN M class DDs, mentioned in one of the scenarios – no where in the book same with the Delhi AA Cruiser… mentioned as a refit but no stats!)

    As to the why?  no idea how they chose which ships to include or not, but some of the paper ships of the RN that where included in the mongoose version &…[Read more]

  • My take on this would be:

    – strafing: hit only

    – bombing: hit and critical

  • Hmm, now we are promised some more models.  But, why Drache?   In the 13 months with helicopter test service it did not much, some minelaying actions.

    Attached to  U-Jagd Flottille 21. The Captain KKpt.d.R. Joachim Wünning  getting a Ritterkreuz because he was Flottilla leder too.  From Piräus, throwing mines in Ägaeis.

    Naggging , nagging.…[Read more]

  • Hi Ed,

    Changing depth doesnt take up an flank speed movement, just the opotunity to issue an order.

    Dont forget that subs have a 50/50 chance to go from surfaced to submerged just because another ship has got to close.

    If you look in the News from the Wardroom thread I’ve put up 101 guides to subs, mtbs & flights as well as a 1 page cheat sheet.

  • oh….



  • Its 1 pin because its still only a single unit firing…. which is why for Japanese Grenadier squads its best for them to pick a separte target per light mortar otherwise its D2 pins but roll 3 dice and pick the highest.

    Same with a Tank its still gives 1 Pin no matter how many weapons it fires, however the HE (& flamethrower) rules says replace…[Read more]

  • If a unit fires say 3 panzerfausts and hits a target with all three, does the target still only get 1 set of Pins? I think they get 3 lots as we are dealing with a one-shot weapon but I am not sure…

    Likewise, when a tank fires its HE main gun and a MMG, does the target  suffer multiple Pin effects? And do I have to declare the two attacks at…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Some Rule Question in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 2 months ago

    On the note about submarines… they are a class of ship + its a trait.  So the same overlap rules apply to everything with a base….

    My point about the objectives is change it up and make it so that going evade all the time puts you at a tactical dis-advantage
    maybe  insteand of 3 or 4  Islands put a fair sized land mass in one quarter and an…[Read more]

  • Great looking game.  👍

    Well done for getting pictures to work on the forum 😉

    In all seriousness, the pictures look very good here.

  • Nat replied to the topic Some Rule Question in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 2 months ago

    Well dont forget that you also half your avalible flank speed* when you do an evade order (so a ship with flank 5 drops to 3) & it also means you are limited to 1 45deg turn (unless agile or you start at speed 7).  It alsom means that unless the ship is a destroyer it cant gain the -1 for speed, so yes you are forcing a re-roll…. but whats…[Read more]

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